Modifying the Corkboard Preferences

You can modify the Corkboard settings for all projects, including the look of the cards, whether images appear, the background, font, and so on. Follow these steps to modify the preferences to meet your needs:

1. Choose ScrivenerPreferences.

Windows users, choose Tools⇒Options.

The Preferences window appears.

2. Choose Corkboard.

The Corkboard options appear in the window.

3. Select the check boxes for items that you want to enable.

Alternatively, you can choose the desired setting from a drop-down list or slider bar.

Most of the options are self-explanatory, but I’ll highlight a few:

Index Card Theme: Called Corners in Windows. Change the shape and colors of the cards. The Rounded theme is the default, but the other two themes display the pin (Label) colors as pushpins, rather than squares.

Allow Drop Ons: In Windows, this option is Allow Dropping Dragged Items onto Cards. If this option is selected, you can drop one card onto another to create a file group. By keeping this option deselected, you prevent accidental drop ons.

Double-Clicking on Corkboard Background: In Windows, this appears as the Empty Space Double Click Will option. You can designate the behavior triggered by double-clicking the Corkboard background.

If you plan to add a lot of new index cards from the Corkboard view, consider selecting Creates a New Card from this drop-down list.

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