Viewing Your Outline in Split Screen

Just like with the Editor (covered in Chapter 6) and Corkboard (see Chapter 8), you can view the Outliner in Split Screen mode. Follow these steps to split the screen and then view a single document in one of the panes:

1. Click the Split toggle button in the header of the Outliner (as shown in Figure 9-8).

The Outliner splits into two panes, displaying the same container in both.

The Outliner layout — which columns are visible, their order, and the column widths — is specific to each split when you work in Split Screen mode (covered in more detail in Chapter 6).

Figure 9-8: A split screen with an Outliner pane and an Editor pane.


2. Click in the pane where you want to view the single document.

That pane becomes active.

3. In the Binder, select the file that you want to edit.

The file appears in the pane that you activated. Figure 9-8 shows an example of a split screen with Outliner and Editor panes.

4. Click the Split toggle button again to exit Split Screen mode.

tip.eps If you’re working in Editor mode and want a split view with an Outliner pane, split the Editor and then add a container to the active pane. If the Outliner doesn’t appear, choose Outline from the View menu or the toolbar.

tip.eps If you want to use the Outliner as a navigation tool while in Split Screen mode, click the Automatically Open Selection in Other Editor button (refer to Figure 9-8). Every time you select an item in the Outliner, the document opens in Document view in the other pane. With this option, you can hide the Binder (by choosing View⇒Layout⇒Hide Binder) but still quickly open documents for editing.

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