Chapter 11

Citing Your Sources with Footnotes

In This Chapter

arrow Sorting out footnote types

arrow Including footnotes in your document

arrow Looking at footnotes in the sidebar

arrow Changing or removing a footnote

arrow Deleting all footnotes from a file

arrow Importing and exporting files with footnotes

If you need to add explanatory asides or copyright permissions to your work, or cite your sources at the bottom of each page, Scrivener offers a footnotes feature. Although it doesn’t visually organize footnotes the way a word processor might, when you export (compile) your project, you can include the footnotes as either footnotes or endnotes. (You can find more on footnote options during compiling in Chapter 12.) Scrivener takes care of the numbering for you.

If you’ve already worked with inline annotations or comments, featured in Chapter 10, footnotes look mighty familiar because they actually work in a similar way. The main difference is that footnotes are generally intended to be included in the final manuscript, whereas comments and annotations usually aren’t. You can, however, choose to compile a project without including footnotes.

This chapter shows you how to include footnotes in your work and outlines the available options for displaying them within your manuscript.

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