Saving and Resetting Compile Settings

You’ve worked really hard to get your output absolutely perfect, but if you close the Compile window without compiling (or saving), your settings revert back to what they were when you first opened the window.

The good news is you can save your settings so that they’ll be there the next time you open the Compile window.

Saving compile settings without compiling the project

The Compile window defaults to the last compiled settings, but if you make changes and then exit without compiling, the changes you made during the session are lost. (See the section “Compiling Your Project,” earlier in this chapter, for how to specify these settings.) No worries, though. You can save the settings without compiling.

Press and hold the Option key to make the Compile button change to a Save button (the Cancel button also changes to Reset), and then click Save. Windows users, click Save & Close.

The Compile window closes, but next time you open it, your settings will still be there, even though you didn’t compile the project.

Resetting the compile settings

Been fooling around with the compile settings and wish you could just go back to what you had when you opened the window? No problem, you can roll things back, even if you don’t remember which preset you originally had.

Press and hold the Option key to change the Cancel button to Reset (the Compile button also changes to Save). Click the Reset button.

Your changes revert back to the last saved compile settings (saved either manually or by running compile, as discussed in the section “Compiling Your Project,” earlier in this chapter).

At this time, there’s no easy way to roll back the changes in Windows unless you remember the format preset you started with; however, a Cancel button is in the works for a future version.

tip.eps If you remember the format preset you started with, you can just choose that preset again to reset the settings. Or click Cancel to close the window without saving your changes, and then reopen it.

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