
As we conclude, here is a list of questions for you to test your knowledge regarding this chapter's material. You will find the answers in the Assessments section of the appendix:

  1. True or false – you achieve continuous integration if you compile all the branches of your project at least daily.
  2. True or false – a classic build definition is always connected to a source code repository.
  3. True or false – a YAML pipeline definition is always connected to a source code repository.
  4. Which of the following is needed to call an external tool from an Azure pipeline?
    1. An external service definition
    2. An Azure services connection
    3. A service connection
    4. A service locator
  1. What are some common reasons for using self-hosted agents? (Choose all of the correct answers from the following:)
    1. Access to closed networks is needed.
    2. Specific extension tasks need to be available to the agent.
    3. The number of parallel pipeline executions needs to be larger than 10.
    4. Specific software needs to be installed in order for the agent to use it.
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