Consumption-based costs

Licenses give users access to the product and, from there on, they can use all of the services in the product at a fixed cost, except for the following two:

  • Azure Pipelines parallel executions
  • Azure Artifacts storage

Parallel executions: By default, every Azure DevOps organization is provided with one Microsoft-hosted parallel execution job. This means that, while there can be as many pipelines defined as needed, there can be only one executing at the same time. Of course, this number can be increased, but this comes at the cost of buying more Microsoft-hosted parallel execution jobs, which are currently priced at € 33.74 per month.

As an alternative, it is also possible to buy self-hosted jobs. For these jobs, the execution agents are not provided by Microsoft, but have to be provided by the organization itself. This provides the opportunity (and responsibility) to fully control the hardware. A self-hosted pipeline is currently priced at € 12.65.

Artifacts storage: When working with Azure Artifact feeds, the first 2 GB of storage used is free. Any extra storage used is charged at a rate of € 1.69 per month.

Once more and more of the users of a team have a license for Azure DevOps and perform their work there, this can be used to increase traceability for software development.

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