Uploading packages by hand

To upload packages by hand, the following steps need to be performed:

  1. First, you will have to retrieve the URL to your feed. To do this, click on Connect to feed for any of your feeds, as shown in the following screenshot:

  1. In the list on the left, select the protocol to use for accessing the feed.
  2. Select the correct view to use. Remember that for publishing packages, the full feed URL needs to be used since views are read-only.
  1. After making the correct selections, copy the correct URL to the clipboard using the copy button.
  2. Execute the following command to create a NuGet package from a regular .csproj file. If you do not have the NuGet.exe tool already available, you can download it using the link provided at the end of this chapter:
nuget.exe pack DemoSolutionMyPackage.csproj -Version 1.1.0
  1. Execute the final command for uploading the package to NuGet:
nuget.exe push 
-Source "{feedUrl}" "MyPackage.1.1.0.nupkg"

After executing the final command, the package will be published and become available in your feed.

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