Runbook execution

Once the runbook is written, there are a number of ways to execute it:

  • Manually: Any runbook can be run at any time by opening it in the Azure portal and pressing Start. Of course, these operations are also available using PowerShell or the Azure CLI.
  • By attaching a Webhook: Once a runbook is published, one or more Webhooks can be generated for executing the runbook. Each Webhook can be enabled or disabled or given an expiration date. These tools allow a new Webhook to be generated for every user of the runbook and fine-grained control to be initiated  if ever future access should not be accorded to a particular user.
  • On a schedule: Published runbooks can be attached to one or more of the shared schedules. Being able to attach to multiple schedules means that it is easy to pre-create a series of schedules for typical reoccurrences, such as hourly, daily, or every Monday, and reuse and combine these for the appropriate runbooks.

When executing the runbook from a Webhook or on a schedule, the option to run it manually will stay available.

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