Implementing Continuous Delivery

  1. The company you are working for is using ServiceNow as the change management system. There is a rule that ServiceNow should be used to track every deployment to production environments. You are responsible for ensuring that your application is not deployed to the production environment if there is no valid change registered in the change management system. Which of the following will accomplish this? [Choose two.]
    1. You implement a deployment callback that checks for a valid change in ServiceNow.
    2. You add a deployment gate as a precondition to deployment to the production stage.
    3. You add a deployment gate as a postcondition for completing deployment in the QA stage.
    4. You create an environment and call it Production-ServiceNow check.
  2. You need to deploy an application to twelve on-premises virtual machines, grouped into three subnets. Which of the following actions should you perform to have a complete, working solution to do this? [Choose three.]
    1. Create a new deployment group and add the correct agents to that group.
    2. Download and install the Private Agent on all of the virtual machines that you need to deploy to.
    3. Add a Selection Job to your release pipeline to select which deployment group to use.
    4. Download and install the Private Agent on precisely one virtual machine in every subnet.
    5. Add a Deployment Group Job to your release pipeline to execute the tasks necessary for deploying the application.
    6. Configure a username and password on your deployment pipeline to configure how to connect to the agents.
  1. You need to configure a release pipeline to meet several conditions before a deployment to the production environment can be started. These conditions are (i) that at least two out of four members of an approval board should approve of the deployment and (ii) that Azure Monitor should be checked for any alerts in the first hour after the release. Can this be done using Azure DevOps Pipelines?
    1. Yes
    2. No
  2. You are using SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) for describing your database schema as code. You want to use SSDT for schema upgrades as well. Which type of schema migration should you use?
    1. Migrations based
    2. End-state based
  3. You are working with a schema-less database. Does this remove the issue of schema management completely?
    1. Yes
    2. No
  4. Your team must follow regulations that state that every new version has to be approved by the test manager manually before it can be deployed to production. Which of the following changes fulfills this requirement in the most meaningful way?
    1. You add a pre-deployment gate to the production stage that verifies the sign-off in a home-build system where all application versions that are signed off can be recorded.
    2. You add a post-deployment gate to the QA stage that sets the test managers' approval in the designated system if all automated tests have succeeded.
    3. You add a post-deployment approval to the QA stage that must be given by the test manager.
    4. You disable automated approval to the production stage and instruct everyone to only start a deployment after consulting the system that contains all sign-offs by the test manager.
  5. You are creating several release pipelines for your team. Many of the pipelines will use the same configuration values for some tasks. Which of the following can help you to repeat their values as a complete solution?
    1. Variable groups
    2. Task groups
    3. Variable containers
    4. Azure Key Vault
  1. You want to automatically generate release notes out of the stories completed in a deployment. You want to do this without using any extensions or add-onsonly the built-in capabilities of Azure DevOps should be used. Is this possible?
    1. Yes
    2. No
  2. You want to deploy an application to the Azure Service Fabric from Azure DevOps. Do you need to install an extension for tasks to do this?
    1. Yes
    2. No
  3. You need to apply an update to a deployment within Kubernetes. Which command should you use?
    1. kubectl apply
    2. kubectl deployments
    3. kubectl get services
    4. kubectl deploy
  4. What kind of task is used within Azure DevOps to deploy containers to Azure Kubernetes?
    1. Kubernetes Manifest
    2. Kubernetes
    3. Kubernetes General Task
    4. Kubectl
  5. What kind of file is most appropriate to deploy resources to a Kubernetes cluster?
    1. ARM template
    2. Terraform document
    3. PowerShell script
    4. YAML deployment file
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