Deploying and running containerized workloads

Deploying PKS for use in a private cloud: Deploy the PKS platform to help customers create a private cloud environment for provisioning Kubernetes workloads.

The following table shows installation and configuration of all components associated with PKS:



Deploy pivotal operations manager into vSphere

This means the deployment of pivotal operations manager within a single data center.

Configure pivotal operations manager

This is the configuration of the pivotal operations manager instance.

Install PKS

This refers to the deployment of the PKS tile within a single pivotal operations manager.

Configure PKS

This is the configuration of PKS within vSphere, connections to pre-existing NSX-T objects, Kubernetes cluster plan sizing, User Account and Authentication (UAA), errands, syslog, resource configuration, and stemcells.

Create Kubernetes clusters using PKS

This is the installation and use of the PKS command-line interface to create Kubernetes clusters according to defined cluster sizing plans.

Install and configure Harbor container registry into vSphere

This means the installation of Harbor Container Registry instance, without replication, using the open virtualization application (OVA) so that the single instance can serve many clusters. VMware will assist in certificates between Harbor, and Kubernetes cluster nodes, and other environments are configured to enable pushing and pulling of container images to Harbor.

NSX-T preparation for PKS integration

This means the creation of NSX-T objects needed for PKS integration.

Logical switches

Logical switches are created for the PKS management network and service network.

IP pool for external access

An IP pool is configured to provide load-balancing address space for each Kubernetes cluster created by PKS. The network will also provide IP addresses for Kubernetes API access and Kubernetes exposed services.

IP block

An IP block is configured to assign address space to Kubernetes pods through the Container Networking Interface (CNI).

NSX-T tier-1 logical router instances

These are Tier-1 logical routers, one dedicated to PKS management components and one dedicated to Kubernetes cluster nodes.

PKS and NSX-T integration

This means the configuration of PKS on vSphere to integrate with NSX-T.

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