IoT use cases with VMware Pulse

The primary motivation for businesses to consider and implement IoT solutions is to improve business productivity and internal efficiency by identifying customer-specific IoT use cases. When considering IoT use cases, we focus on quantifiable goals to show an improvement in productivity and efficiency. Anywhere we notice data being produced, we have the capacity for data ingestion. This may be a problem that hasn’t yet been addressed and, therefore, the business hasn’t done anything with the data. However, when we observe an opportunity to ingest data, we should think about analyzing that data and engaging using results from that with customers or with infrastructure.

Onboard the Liota agent on edge systems to enable data orchestration, automatically detect edge systems and onboard and provision OTA, and map edge systems to connected devices. We can monitor and collect telemetry data about infrastructure health, detect anomalies in real-time with high accuracy, and set rules to automatically fix OTA whenever possible.

We can also manage software OTA of any edge type and connected end points, set rules to automatically upgrade/fix in flexible package combination, and set rules to automatically fix OTA . We can secure across IoT—things, network, data, people, create segmented data flows with network virtualization, and have complete visibility of all things.

Choose the gateway/server based on use case needs, environment, and desired rugged ability; we have the flexibility to choose what hardware VMware IoT edge runs on.

VMware Pulse IoT edge supports the new distributed IoT architecture by enabling analytics at the edge using technologies we trust. Next, we will deep dive into some of the use cases.


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