
Remote computing solutions for applications such as CAD/CAM, diagnostic imaging, molecular design, and space exploration proved elusive. NVIDIA GRID vGPU technology and VMware, vSphere, and Horizon virtualization software offer cost-effective solutions for design engineers, scientific investigators, and data explorers.

Horizon offers software-based graphics acceleration, which is sufficient for basic use, but hardware-based graphics acceleration have different combinations of GRID graphics cards with server configurations and can be used to address a wide range of advanced user requirements and fulfil them within a budget. We can configure the GPU in two modes:

  • DirectPath I/O passthrough mode
  • GRID vGPU mode

Shared access to the virtualized GPU makes immersive 3D graphics applications accessible from remote devices. This solution eliminates the need for dedicated graphics workstations, improving security and freeing the users from their offices.

The next chapter is about strategies for hosting applications in such ways as to provide freedom to end users as well as full control to administrator/service providers with policy-based operations based on ML algorithms, which will also help in improving the end-user experience.

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