Configuring distributions on BDE

We will now log in through SSH into the Serengeti Management Server with the Serengeti user account:

  1. Use PuTTY to SSH to the management server, then double-click the PuTTY icon on the desktop
  2. Click the SerengetiCLI session and then click Open
  3. Run the following commands:
# navigating to the scripts directory

cd /opt/serengeti/sbin
[root@10 sbin]# ./config-dist
> --name qumulusqahdp
> --vendor HDP
> --version 2.x.x
> --repos

The qumulushdp distro is added into /opt/ erengeti/www/distros/manifest successfully.

The old manifest is backed up to /opt/ serengeti/www/distros/manifest.bak.

[root@10 sbin]# sudo service tomcat restart
  1. Log into the vCenter Web Client and click on Big Data Extension from the tree on the left
  2. Click on Big Data Clusters and then click the icon to add a new cluster (a green +)

We can see the name of the new HDP distro now in the Hadoop distribution. Keep in mind that the name will match the parameter specified when we ran ./config-distro.rb (pumulushdp).

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