Cloud-native applications

Digital technologies are always changing, due to today's dynamic business objectives. Everything is connected via mobile, social networks, wearable devices, connected cars, and so on, and they are all influencing the way that we behave and engage with technologies today. Customers are demanding more innovative, flexible, and fast ways to experience products and services, due to this innovation in technology.

Let's look at the systems operating in isolation from each other, responsibility, and skills set. We are going through a digital transformation and need all of these operations across various segments. Digital transformation redesigns organizational structures in many environments, so that they're collaborative. Technology can enhance performance and an organization's reach across the globe.

Cloud-native applications have four characteristics:

  • Cloud-native apps are composed of microservices: Cloud-native apps adopt a microservices architecture, where each application is a collection of small services that can be operated independent of one another. Microservices are often owned by individual development teams that operate on their own schedules to develop, deploy, scale, and upgrade their services.
  • Cloud-native apps are packaged in containers: Containers provide isolation contexts for microservices. They are highly accessible, scalable, easily portable from one environment to another, and fast to create or tear down, making them ideal for building and running applications that are composed of microservices.
  • Cloud-native apps are running in a continuous delivery model: Software developers and IT operations teams collaborate under this model to build, test, and release software updates as soon as they are ready, without affecting end users or developers on other teams.
  • Cloud-native applications are dynamically managed in the cloud: They are often built and run on modern cloud-native platforms, which offer easy scale-out and hardware decoupling, helping in terms of the orchestration, management, and automation of the application.
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