VMware Skyline Collector admin interface

After powering on the Skyline Collector appliance, we can obtain the IP address for that appliance. This can be done as follows:

  1. As an administrator, log in to the vSphere Web Client
  2. Right-click on Collector virtual appliance and choose Power. Then, click Power On
  3. We can view the IP address of the collector appliance in the Summary tab by refreshing the vSphere Web Client after powering on the virtual appliance
  4. Browse to https://<Collector_Appliance_IP_Address> through the web browser

Skyline Collector admin interface: Because the collector certificate doesn't match the hostname/IP address for the environment, a browser security warning will appear the first time we connect. First, we must log in with our default username and password:

Our default username is admin, and the password is also default. A password should have a minimum of eight characters, with one uppercase letter, one special character, one digit, and one lowercase letter.

Click on Change after entering a new password for the admin account. We must log in to the Skyline Collector admin interface again after changing the password; we will get a Your password was changed successfully! screen.

The connectivity is always one-way, from the Skyline Collector going outward to VAC or the Photon OS update library services. We have two methods of returning data to the Skyline Collector appliance. This can be done through the Photon OS VAMI interface for product updates/patches, and so on, and through manifest updates, where we can post an updated manifest that describes what data has been collected, at what interval, and so on. The appliance checks for manifest updates periodically, and when an update is available, it pulls the new manifest down to utilize its current configurations. The collector must upload encrypted data to VMware via the internet. If the collector requires an HTTP proxy to reach the internet, toggle the switch to Yes and configure the settings that are required by the proxy administrator. Click on TEST CONNECTIVITY to validate the network's connectivity, and then click on Continue.

The collector will not be registered upon the first login. Registration of the collector is required to configure data collection. The registration wizard will automatically appear upon the first login.

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