Configuring the VMware BDE

We will deploy the vApp, power on, and then browse the console of the management server. There are four Hadoop clusters configured in this vSphere environment. The columnar view on the right indicates each cluster's name, status, which Hadoop distribution is running, the resource pool it belongs to, and the list of nodes. Resource pools manage how Hadoop consumes the underlying physical resources.

Steps to configure BDE on vSphere are given below :

  1. Log in as Serengeti and change the Serengeti user password with the following command:
run sudo /opt/serengeti/sbin/set-password –u
  1. Close the management console and SSH with the serengeti user. Configure the YUM repository by running the following commands:
# cd /opt/serengeti/www/yum/repos/centos/6/base/RPMS/
  1. If we can't connect using wget, download .rpm and then winscp ( open source tool ) them over. To create the repo, run the following command: 
createrepo ..
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