Designing a True or False quiz

In this activity, we are going to design a True or False quiz. It is not an ordinary one though. We create a guessing activity in which students decide whether the answers are either True or False, and in that way they try to guess the name of the Nobel Prize winner once again! So, let's get ready.

Getting ready

Choose the Nobel Prize winner that we want our students to guess. Then, design the activity using Moodle and insert images into our course, which is to be the multimedia asset in this recipe. We are also going to design the same activity using Hot Potatoes JQuiz (the yellow potato).

How to do it...

Bear in mind what type of information we want our students to guess. We are going to insert images in the questions. So, in this case, use free clipart from the following website:

Choose the weekly outline section where we want to insert our activity and follow these steps:

  1. Click on Add an activity | Quiz.
  2. Complete the Name and the Introduction block.
  3. Click on Save and display.
  4. Click on Show, as shown in the following screenshot:
    How to do it...
  5. Click on Create a new question....
  6. A pop-out window displaying different types of questions will appear. Choose True/False, as shown in the following screenshot:
    How to do it...
  7. Click on Next.
  8. Complete the Question text block. You can start adding information to students such as 'This person is a man'.
  9. Open your web browser and enter the following website:
  10. Click on Child Clipart.
  11. Right-click on the chosen clipart and click on Properties, as shown in the following screenshot:
    How to do it...
  12. There will appear a pop-out window with the URL address of the image, to highlight it, and then right-click and copy it, as shown in the following screenshot:
    How to do it...
  13. Click on OK.
  14. Go back to our Moodle course. Click on the Insert/edit image icon to upload the previous image.
  15. Complete the pop-up window, as shown in the following screenshot:
    How to do it...
  16. Click on Insert.
  17. Complete the Feedback for the response 'True' and Feedback for the response 'False' blocks. You can add the correct images instead of writing. For example, if the person is not a woman, insert the image of a girl and a cross; if the person is a man, insert the image of the boy with a tick.
  18. Click on Save changes.
  19. Click on Add a question... | True or False | Next, as shown in the following screenshot:
    How to do it...
  20. Complete the blocks with information about the Nobel Prize winner.
  21. Add as many questions as necessary.
  22. When there is no need to add more questions, go back to the course. The activity is ready to work with!

How it works...

Students are going to attempt the True or False quiz and after getting the results of the clues, they have to guess the name of the Nobel Prize winner. You may supply the name of the person in the last question of the activity. By the way, in this case, the Nobel Prize winner is John F. Nash Jr.

You can also save the images in a folder, as we have done in the previous recipe.

There's more...

We can also design the same activity using Hot Potatoes. This software also allows us to design True/False quizzes. Therefore, we open Hot Potatoes and we click on JQuiz. To start designing the guessing activity, follow these steps:

  1. Complete the Title block.
  2. Choose Multiple-choice in the downwards arrow that appears on the top right-hand margin.
  3. Write the sentence that students have to guess in the Q1 block.
  4. Write True and click on Accept as correct within Settings.
  5. Write False on the next one, as shown in the following screenshot:
    There's more...
  6. Click on the downwards arrow next to Q1, and Q2 will appear. Go on adding sentences to give tips to your students.
  7. Save the file. Click on File | Create a web page | Standard Format | Save | View the exercise in my browser.
  8. You can also add any images to the activity following the steps in the previous recipe.
  9. Upload the activity in the Moodle course, as explained in the previous recipe.

More info

We can also design a True or False activity using It is an interactive webpage where you can easily design this quiz. We can upload this activity in our Moodle course using the Add a resource choice. The website corrects the quiz by itself.

Follow these steps to create an interactive True or False quiz using testmoz:

  1. Click on Make a test.
  2. Complete the Test name block.
  3. Write a password. Then click on Continue.
  4. Click on Settings and complete the settings blocks. Then click on Save.
  5. Click on Add a New Question.
  6. Click on the downwards arrow in Type and choose True/False. Write the question in the Question block.
  7. Click on Save and Add a New Question, as shown in the following screenshot:
    More info
  8. When you finish adding questions, click on Save | Publish | Publish.
  9. Go back to the Moodle course to upload the quiz. Click on Add a resource | URL.
  10. Complete the Name and Description blocks. Remember to write the password, otherwise students won't be able to work with the quiz.
  11. Copy and paste the URL of the quiz in the External URL block.
  12. Click on Save and return to course.
  13. The quiz will be within our Moodle course!


    We should bear in mind that the quiz results from testmoz won't get passed back to Moodle, therefore they won't be included in the students' grade book.

See also

  • Creating a cloze with pictures.
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