Linking external 3D interactive activities

In this activity, we are going to write a brief introduction of the mathematician who is known to be the Father of Geometry. Afterwards, we make a link to the previous interactive blog that allows students to open a file and complete a chart about different 3D shapes.

Getting ready

This recipe is similar to the previous one. Look for some information about an old mathematician who is considered the Father of Sacred Geometry. The first part is a passive activity because we give students some information about Euclid of Alexandria.

Design the activity in Upload a single file, because the website that we choose to work with has a file that students have to complete. Therefore, when they complete it, they can submit it to the Moodle course!

How to do it...

The activity has already been explained before. Choose the weekly outline section where you want to place the resource. Then, follow these steps in order to carry it out:

  1. Click on Add a resource | Page.
  2. Complete the Name block.
  3. Complete the Description block.
  4. Complete the Page content block and make a link to the following website:
  5. Click on Save and return to course.

How it works...

Add the activity in the same weekly outline section, just after the resource. Follow these steps to design the activity:

  1. Click on Add an activity | Upload a single file, within Assignments.
  2. Complete the Assignment name block.
  3. Complete the Description block and make a link to the following blog:
  4. Click on Save and return to course.
  5. The activity looks as shown in the following screenshot:
    How it works...

There's more...

We have added a mathematical activity, but we can also add a link to the following website in which students can design a plane by dragging and dropping different 3D shapes: They can learn about aeroplane parts and recognize the geometric shapes used in making them.

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