Inserting an X Y (Scatter) chart

This is a very simple recipe. We design and insert an X Y (Scatter) chart in our Moodle course using

Getting ready

We ask our students through a Choice, as we have done in a previous recipe, if they have traveled abroad on holidays. This is a suggestion; you may change the subject of the poll. As it is a yes/no poll, it is very easy to design a chart. Let's see how to do it!

How to do it...

We enter our Moodle course and select the weekly outline section. We just design a poll in order to gather data to insert the chart afterwards. Therefore, we limit the choice to one week. These are the steps that we have to follow:

  1. Click on Add an activity | Choice.
  2. Complete the Choice name and Introduction text blocks.
  3. Write YES in the Option 1 block and NO in the Option 2 block.
  4. Tick the block Restrict answering to this time period and choose the Open and Until date that you are going to poll your students.
  5. Within the Miscellaneous Settings blocks, click on the downwards arrow in Allow choice to be updated and choose No, so that students cannot change their choice.
  6. Click on Save and return to course, the choice looks as shown in the following screenshot:
    How to do it...

How it works...

After polling our students, we design the chart and insert it in our Moodle course in order to design another activity. We enter These are the steps that you have to follow:

  1. Click on New. Click on File | Save | Write a name to the file | Within the Access level, choose Public Read - only.
  2. Complete the spreadsheet in order to design a chart afterwards. Select the fields you want to design the chart. Click on the Insert Chart icon.
  3. Choose XY Scatter and choose the one type you want to work with. Click on Insert.
  4. The chart is shown on the spreadsheet. If you right-click on the chart you can edit it and have the Object's Permalink where you can have access to the chart making a link to a website, as shown in the following screenshot:
    How it works...
  5. You can also embed the chart in the Moodle course. Click on Publish | Widgets | HTML Table, as shown in the following screenshot:
    How it works...
  6. A pop-up window will appear with the HTML code to copy and paste in our Moodle course.

You can create a Forum activity, embedding the chart in which students post their comments about their holidays abroad.

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