Enabling a Box.net portfolio

Box.net is a portfolio that can also be enabled in our Moodle course. It is not as simple as the other portfolios that we have enabled; we just need one more step to enjoy its advantages. We need to enter http://www.box.net/ and sign up to create an account.

Bear in mind that during this recipe we must switch our roles to Managers in order to be able to have access to enable this portfolio.

Getting ready

There are two Box.net plans available. One of them is free of charge that happens to be personal and the business one is paid. We choose the personal one that is free. After that, we set up our account after completing some information.

How to do it...

It is time to get the Box.net API key to enable the portfolio. API stands for Application Programming Interface. Moodle incorporates third-party API so that portfolio developers can develop more efficient plugins in order to integrate portfolios in Moodle 2.x.

In order to get the Box.net API key, enter the following website: http://www.box.net/developers/services and create a new application. These are the steps to follow:

  1. Click on Create new Application.
  2. Read the terms and conditions and click on Accept.
  3. Complete the General information required, as shown in the following screenshot:
    How to do it...
  4. Complete the website URL, which is optional with the URL provided by our Moodle course. Therefore, leave that block aside and minimize this window for a moment.
  5. Open your Moodle course and switch role to Administrator.
  6. Click on Site Administration | Plugins | Portfolios | Manage portfolios.
  7. Click on the downwards arrow next to Box.net internet storage and select Enabled and visible.
  8. Copy the URL that appears, as shown in the following screenshot:
    How to do it...
  9. Minimize the screen (do not close it).
  10. Maximize the Box.net website (that was minimized), and paste the URL you have just copied in the block that was left aside in step 4. Click on Continue.
  11. Another screenshot appears with the API key that you need to paste in the Moodle course, as shown in the following screenshot:
    How to do it...
  12. Copy the API key, and minimize this web browser.
  13. Go back to the Moodle course and paste the API Key in the blank block.
  14. Click on Save | Continue | Save changes. The portfolio has been successfully enabled.

How it works...

On the left-hand margin of our Moodle course under Site administration heading | Plugins | Portfolios appears Box.net internet storage (now visible). Therefore, it means that we enabled the said portfolio, as shown in the following screenshot:

How it works...

See also

  • Using a Box.net portfolio
  • Embedding a Box.net folder in Moodle
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