Resizing photos to their appropriate size

When working with pictures taken by modern digital cameras, we usually have higher dimensions on the screen. Your Moodle course displays data on the web browser and the web browser usually does not take advantage of the whole screen size. Technology offers devices with different screens; therefore, consider them when dealing with mobile and special devices.

Getting ready

As previously mentioned, there are different screen sizes so the target will be different. Full HD is 1920 x 1080, though it does not fit all the devices, so we will work with 1000 x width and 700 x height as the maximum size of the images.

How to do it...

It is typical that pictures usually have more than 3000 pixels width and 2400 height. We do not want to upload such a huge image to our Moodle course. Thus, we need to resize the photograph to the appropriate height and width values. The larger the image dimensions are, the larger the file sizes are. We will work with GIMP in this recipe too. Therefore, follow these steps in order to resize the image:

  1. Click on File | Open and browse for the picture to work with.
  2. Click on Save a copy because you can make a mistake and delete the original image.
  3. Write a name for the image and click on Save twice.
  4. Click on Image | Scale Image. Change the aspect ratio. The aspect ratio is the proportion between width and height. You want the same image with fewer pixels.
  5. Write 1000 in Width within Image Size, and Height will automatically change to 750. The aspect ratio is calculated automatically.
  6. Click on Scale, as shown in the following screenshot:
    How to do it...

How it works...

We have resized the image, the result of the new resolution 1000 x 750 pixels. If you want a full screen image, check how it looks when you upload it to the Moodle course. You have to save the new image in order to be able to upload it, resized, in our Moodle course. Therefore, click on File | Save. Remember that we have saved a copy of the original image previously. The image looks as shown in the following screenshot:

How it works...

See also

  • Selecting between lossy and lossless compression schemes
  • Uploading images to Moodle
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