Including live PDF documents in Moodle exercises

This recipe is very interesting and appealing for our students. We can develop any type of activities using this resource, because we are inserting Adobe Reader within our Moodle course. For that reason, we do need to work with some code. Let's get ready!

Getting ready

Open Office is needed in order to convert a file that we have just designed into a PDF. Use the same file to avoid creating a new one. Besides, you may use one of the activities that you have saved in your computer and convert it to carry out this activity.

Another software needed for this recipe is Adobe Reader, which can be downloaded from the following website:

How to do it...

First of all, convert the file into a PDF. Therefore, choose the file used in the previous recipe and follow these steps to convert it:

  1. Enter Open Office | Text Document.
  2. Click on Open | and browse for the file to be converted into a PDF.
  3. Click on File | Export as PDF | Export, as shown in the following screenshots:
    How to do it...
  4. Write a name for the file. Click on Save.
  5. You can now open the file using Adobe Reader.

How it works...

We have just converted a file into a PDF. As we embed it, we need to work with some code. We are going to create an activity, in this case create an Online text activity, you can choose any other. These are the steps to follow:

  1. Click on Add an activity | Online text within Assignments.
  2. Complete the Assignment name block.
  3. Complete the Description block. In this block, highlight some words and click on Insert /edit link icon.
  4. Click on Browse within Link URL block.
  5. Click on Upload a file | Browse | Choose the file | Open | Upload this file | Insert.
  6. A link to the PDF file was just created.
  7. Click on HTML icon. Write the following code:
    <embed src="FullScreenEmbed.pdf" width="800" height="500">
  8. Change this code with some information. That is to say, add the name of the file just uploaded, instead of FullScreenEmbed.pdf, as follows:
    <embed src="http://localhost/draftfile.php/13/user/draft/387786865/Yeti_and_Bigfoot.pdf"width="800" height="500">
  9. Click on Update.
  10. Click on Save and display. It looks as shown in the following screenshot:
    How it works...

See also

  • Reviewing PDF documents
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