
I would like to thank the entire team at Packt Publishing Ltd, who have worked with me as an incredibly helpful team. Sarah Cullington, who trusted me to develop this idea into a book. She was always ready to help and gave good advice when I was in doubt. Sneha Harkut and Jovita Pinto, who guided me with time management and patience. Alina Lewis also guided me in the developing stage of the book and added very wise comments to my original writings. It was a pleasure to share a second writing process with her.

I would also like to thank Sakina Kaydawala, who has performed a great job as a Technical Editor. Many thanks to all my students, either real or virtual, who make it possible for me to be their teacher.

I wish to acknowledge my three reviewers: Dr. Nellie Deutsch, Louise Jakobsen, and Alex Little. They had been very kind and helpful with their comments and gave me good tips that I added to the different chapters. Thanks! I must also thank my proofreader Jonathan Todd for his thorough reviews.

I owe tremendous thanks to my wonderful six year-old son-Nico, who despite his age, was very patient and supportive in the writing process of the book. Besides, he was occasionally forced to play alone while I concentrated on my writing.

My parents Susana and Jose (my dad is also a writer), who always stand by me and support my decisions. My brother, Gastón C. Hillar, who helps me whenever I need him, as usual. My little two year-old nephew Kevin and my sister-in-law Vanesa S. Olsen with whom I spend time working and exploring Moodle, Web 2.0 resources among other VLE platforms.

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