Chapter 7. Working with Bitmap Images and Photographs

In this chapter, we will cover:

  • Selecting between lossy and lossless compression schemes
  • Creating animated graphics
  • Resizing photos to their appropriate size
  • Adding hotspots to photos
  • Editing color curves
  • Adding effects and applying filters
  • Uploading image filters to Moodle
  • Linking external image files


This chapter explains how to work with different types of bitmap image file formats that use lossless and lossy compression schemes. The recipes use diverse tools to edit, enhance, and convert the different image files, covering most scenarios for multimedia Moodle activities that deal with Arts and Photography as a base topic.

Animated graphics are a very important asset to take into account if we want to enhance the look of our Moodle course. We will learn how to create and insert them in Moodle. Activities are much more appealing and engaging with these types of graphics. Thus, we work with a website where we can design them.

Adding elements to the graphics is also an interesting point to take into account when designing an interesting course. We learn how to add hotspots and effects to photos, and apply filters.

After reading this chapter, we will learn how to link, edit, and embed bitmap images and photographs. We will also be able to resize and convert them to the most appropriate formats for Moodle courses. The recipes are designed in such a way that they are all combined.

When thinking of art or photography, we may have the idea of a painter or a photographer in mind, though people who work for these fields may have related jobs such as designing logos for companies or taking pictures for magazines.

Students could upload their images of drawings or design logos for a drawing competition. For instance, some schools happen to be divided into houses that run inter-house competitions. We could design activities in which students vote for the logo of their house or the diagram of the flag.

These were some possibilities for creating social interaction among students using bitmap images and photographs. We are going to learn the best way to upload them to our Moodle course according to what we want to design. Moreover, you can design activities in which you use famous works of art from well-known artists from different times in order to broaden the culture of your students. Additionally, you could interact with a History or Art teacher and develop the understanding of a painting or picture taken at a certain time and explore the history of that period.

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