Chapter 4. Integrating Interactive Documents

In this chapter, we will cover:

  • Developing collaborative writing exercises with Google Docs
  • Using Open Office and uploading the file to Moodle
  • Using Flickr images in Open Office documents
  • Including live PDF documents in Moodle exercises
  • Reviewing PDF documents
  • Designing a Wiki


This chapter explains how to use diverse types of interactive documents in Moodle courses. The recipes use the most popular, free, web-based, commercial, and desktop-based software to create the interactive documents and provide students the necessary information for their research activities.

Integrating interactive documents in our Moodle courses is a very important asset to take into account. Students not only have the possibility to work with another tool to edit their works, but also use different types of elements that each of them own as a characteristic. Each of the following software that we will look at in the upcoming recipes is eligible according to the type of activity that will be carried out.

The baseline topic of this chapter will be Fact or Fiction. There are plenty of activities that can be carried out using this baseline topic. According to the subject that you are teaching, you can change the activities in such a way so that you can adapt the content of the recipe to design a multimedia activity in your Moodle courses.

One of the new features of Moodle 2.0 is that it allows uploading files directly from the file picker from the different places from where we have created them; therefore, as we are dealing with interactive documents in this chapter, we cover how to do it. We do need to have access to manage the repositories in order to achieve this. Thus, we will learn how to do it.

Depending on the subject that you are teaching or the type of activity that you want to design, you can combine these recipes with integrating interactive documents with any of the recipes in Chapter 3, Working with Different Types of Interactive Charts. As most of the recipes in this chapter use the same software, thus you can apply the tips and tricks you learnt in the previous chapter.

Recipes are not only based on the different tools that software have, but also on the several ways that students can take advantage of them. In other words, collaborative writing is also possible using those tools. These specific characteristics are to be pointed out in each of the recipes.

Moodle per se allows us to carry out activities in collaborative writing, but the focus is on multimedia assets, that is the reason why we deal with them. Besides, students will be learning that there are plenty of options and many tools that can also be applied for integrating interactive documents.

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