Getting ready

In this section, we will learn how to use a low-cost model of Lidar which is widely used in robotics applications, such as Hokuyo URG-04LX. The Hokuyo Laser Range Finder is similar in function to the Sick Laser Range Finder, which has been the de-facto standard range sensor for mobile robot obstacle avoidance and mapping applications for the last decade. The Sick Laser Range Finder is of relatively large size, weight, and power consumption, which means you can only use it on relatively large mobile robots. On the other hand, the Hokuyo Laser Range Finder is substantially smaller, lighter, and consumes less power, and is, therefore, more suitable for small, mobile robots.

We can obtain more information about the Hokuyo Laser Range Finder at The Hokuyo Laser Range Finder can be used to navigate and build maps in real time.

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