Local costmap

After configuring the global costmap, we are going to configure the local costmap. Thus, we will create a new file in chapter7_tutorials/launch with the name local_costmap_params.yaml, and add the following code:

global_frame: /map
robot_base_frame: /base_footprint
update_frequency: 5.0
publish_frequency: 2.0
static_map: false
rolling_window: true
width: 5.0
height: 5.0
resolution: 0.02
tranform_tolerance: 0.5
planner_frequency: 1.0
planner_patiente: 5.0

The global_frame, robot_base_frame, update_frequency, and static_map parameters are the same as described during configuring the global costmap, in the previous section. In addition, the publish_frequency parameter defines updating the frequency and the rolling_window parameter describes that the costmap will be centered on the robot during navigation.

Similarly, the transform_tolerance parameter configures the maximum latency for the transforms and the planner_frequency parameter configures the planning loop rate. The planner_patiente parameter configures the waiting time for the planner to find a valid plan before space-clearing operations are performed.

Finally, we can configure the dimensions and the resolution of the costmap with the width, height, and resolution parameters, which are in meters.

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