Understanding ROS-I packages

ROS-I enhances the advanced capabilities of ROS software for industrial robots which are employed in manufacturing processes. ROS-I packages are BSD (legacy)/Apache 2.0 (preferred) licensed programs, which contain libraries, drivers, and tools with a standard solution for industrial hardware. ROS-I is now guided by the ROS-I Consortium. The official website of ROS-I can be found at http://rosindustrial.org/.

The following diagram shows the official logo of ROS-I Consortium (ROS-I):

ROS-I logo

In 2012, the ROS-I open source project with the collaboration of Yaskawa Motoman Robotics (http://www.motoman.com/), Willow Garage (https://www.willowgarage.com/), and the Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) (http://www.swri.org/). The ROS-I was founded by Shaun Edwards in January 2012.

Later, in March 2013, the ROS-I Consortium Americas and ROS-I Consortium Europe were launched by SwRI and the Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation (Fraunhofer IPA), respectively.

The objective behind ROS-I development can be characterized as follows:

  • Bringing together the strength of ROS with the existing industrial technologies to develop a reliable and robust software for industrial robot applications
  • Providing a platform for research and development in industrial robotics which could build a wide community supported by researchers and professionals for industrial robotics altogether
  • Developing ROS-I, open source software that allows commercial use without any restrictions
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