Finding Technical Support

Everyone who uses plugins has had this happen at some point: They find the perfect plugin but have no idea how to use it. What can you do when you can't figure out how to use the plugin or a plugin just doesn't seem to work for you at all?

Here are some resources to look up to resolve plugin issues.

  • Google. Google is your primary resource. One trick is to do a site search on a Web site you know may have the solution to your problem. For instance, you can type this in the Google search field: won't activate to search the WordPress Forums page for the phrase, “plugin won't activate.”
  • Search support forums. Every day, countless WordPress enthusiasts volunteer hours of their time assisting people with general WordPress troubles and plugin-specific problems.
  • Contact the plugin developer. Most, but not all, plugin developers maintain documentation about their plugins. This may be found either on the plugin's page in the Plugin Directory at or on the author's Web site. Many plugin authors also run a support forum for their plugins. If the provided documentation is not sufficient or nonexistent, you can reach out to the developer directly.

    image Before contacting a plugin developer directly, make sure that you have exhausted all other means of figuring out the problem yourself, as the developer likely receives a great deal of support requests.

  • Hire a WordPress consultant. Sometimes you just want to pay an expert to solve your issues quickly. has a list of verified WordPress consultants who make a living helping people with their WordPress problems.

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