Authors' Acknowledgments

Lisa Sabin: Every person involved in the WordPress community plays a vital role in making this whole thing work, and work well. Kudos to all of you! Also, big thanks to my wonderful husband, Chris Wilson, for his incredible support, backbone, and ability to put up with my crazy days of writing — I could not have done it without you!

Cory Miller: I would not be involved in this project without the help and support of my amazing team at iThemes, and in particular Chris Jean and Matt Danner — it is an honor to work with you all and I count you as some of my best friends in life! Big thanks to my business partners, Scott Day and Jay Chapman, for simply being who you are — amazing and encouraging every step of the way. Last but certainly not least, I want to thank Lisa Sabin-Wilson — your personal friendship and support has meant more to me than you might ever realize. I cherish your presence in my life and thank you for inviting me to be part of this project. To all the above: #boom.

Kevin Palmer: I would like to thank Lisa Sabin-Wilson for inviting me to contribute to this book and for answering numerous WordPress questions throughout the years. I would also like to thank my friends: Michelle, Kelly, Chrissy, Mark, Kurt, Kris, Tiffany, Nina, Tim, Chris, Lorna, Shawn, Karl, Tom, and numerous others who have listened, given advice, and helped me down my path.

Andrea Rennick: None of this would have been possible if Lisa hadn't asked me to write my section on the multisite feature, so a huge thanks to her for making that call. Thanks to the editors for making me look good, and my fellow co-authors for being awesome. It was great to have someone to commiserate with. A lot of my knowledge comes from the great folks who shared what they knew, via both the old WordPress MU forums and blogs. Some of the people are drmike, lunabyte, David Sader, Deanna Schneider, Tim Moore, SteveAtty, MrBrian, venturemaker, suleiman, Jim Groom and probably many others. Also, WordPress people like Matt Mullenweg, Donncha O'Caoimh, Jane Wells, Pete Mall, John James Jacoby, Boone Gorges, Andy Peatling, and more. Everyone is so wonderful at embracing new faces; big hugs all around at the next WordCamp. Thanks to my mom, who always knew I could do something like this; Addison and Sarah for not minding too much when their mom does something cool; Meaghan for reminding me to eat; and Emma for reminding me to play. And, finally, my husband Ron for being there to talk me down, to read over my work, to put up with me, to bounce ideas off of, and to be in this together. I love you so much — here's to another twenty years. I would be remiss if I didn't mention how much Ron has also brought to my knowledge base and how much work he has done within the multisite area.

Michael Torbert: Thanks go out to the WordPress community.

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