Table of Contents


About This Book

Foolish Assumptions

Conventions Used in This Book

What You Don't Have to Read

How This Book Is Organized

Book I: WordPress Basics

Book II: Setting Up the WordPress Software

Book III: Exploring the WordPress Dashboard

Book IV: Publishing Your Site with WordPress

Book V: Examining SEO and Social Media

Book VI: Customizing the Look of Your Site

Book VII: Using and Developing Plugins

Book VIII: Running Multiple Sites with WordPress

Icons Used in This Book

Where to Go from Here

Book I: WordPress Basics

Chapter 1: Exploring Basic WordPress Concepts

Introducing the World of Blogging

Understanding Blogging Technologies

Archiving your publishing history

Interacting with your readers through comments

Feeding your readers

Tracking back

Dealing with comment and trackback spam

Using WordPress as a Content Management System

Chapter 2: Exploring the World of Open Source Software

Defining Open Source

Understanding WordPress Licensing

Applying WordPress Licensing to Your Projects

Chapter 3: Understanding Development and Release Cycles

Discovering WordPress Release Cycles

Upgrading your WordPress experience

Understanding the cycles of a release

Finding WordPress release archives

Keeping Track of WordPress Development

Downloading Nightly Builds

Chapter 4: Introducing the WordPress Community

Finding Other WordPress Users

Finding WordPress news and tips on community Web sites

Locating users on social networks

Users Helping Users

WordPress support forums

WordPress user manual

WordPress mailing lists

Discovering Professional WordPress Consultants and Services

WordPress designers



Contributing to WordPress

Participating in Live WordPress Events

Chapter 5: Discovering Different Versions of WordPress

Comparing the Two Versions of WordPress

Choosing the hosted version from

Self-hosting with

Hosting Multiple Sites with One WordPress Installation

Discovering WordPress VIP Services

Book II: Setting Up the WordPress Software

Chapter 1: Understanding the System Requirements

Establishing Your Domain

Understanding domain name extensions

Considering the cost of a domain name

Registering your domain name

Finding a Home for Your Blog

Getting help with hosting WordPress

Dealing with disk space and bandwidth

Chapter 2: Using File Transfer Protocol

Introducing FTP Concepts

Setting Up FTP on Your Hosting Account

Finding and Using Free and Easy FTP Programs

Connecting to the Web Server via FTP

Transferring files from point A to point B

Editing files by using FTP

Changing file permissions

Chapter 3: Introducing PHP and MySQL

Understanding How PHP and MySQL Work Together

Exploring PHP Basics

Trying Out a Little PHP

Managing Your MySQL Database

Chapter 4: Installing WordPress on Your Web Server

Installing the WordPress Files

Using Fantastico to install WordPress

Installing WordPress manually

Chapter 5: Configurations for Optimum Performance and Security

Discovering the Configuration File

Securing the configuration file

Exploring main configuration settings

Moving the /wp-content directory

Tweaking the configuration file for optimization

Using a Caching System for Speed and Performance

Minifying JavaScript, CSS, and HTML

Using a content delivery network

Using plugins to make caching easier

Editing Files and Testing Performance with WordPress Tools

Choosing the text editor that's right for you

Notepad (Windows)

Notepad++ (Windows)

TextMate (Mac)

Understanding and choosing a Web browser

Discovering different browsers and tools

Understanding cross-browser compatibility

Chapter 6: Upgrading WordPress

Getting Notified of an Available Upgrade

Backing Up Your Database

Upgrading WordPress Automatically

Upgrading WordPress Manually

Chapter 7: Backing Up, Packing Up, and Moving to a New Host

Migrating Your Existing Blog to WordPress

Movin' on up

Preparing for the big move

Converting templates

Moving your blog to WordPress

Importing from Blogspot, er Blogger

Importing from LiveJournal

Importing from Movable Type and TypePad

Importing from WordPress

Importing from an RSS feed

Finding other import resources

Moving Your Web Site to a Different Host

Creating a backup and moving manually

Using a plugin to back up and move to a new host

Book III: Exploring the WordPress Dashboard

Chapter 1: Logging In and Taking a Look Around

Logging In to the Dashboard

Navigating the Dashboard

Right Now

Recent Comments

Incoming Links



Recent Drafts

WordPress Blog

Other WordPress News

Chapter 2: Customizing Your Dashboard

Arranging the Dashboard to Your Tastes

Removing Dashboard Modules

Changing the Dashboard layout

Finding Inline Documentation and Help

Creating Your Own Workspace

Chapter 3: Exploring Tools and Settings

Configuring the Settings








Creating Your Personal Profile

Setting Your Blog's Format










Chapter 4: Managing Users and Multiple Authors

Understanding User Roles and Capabilities

Allowing New User Registration

Adding New Users

Editing User Details

Managing a Multi-Author Site

Tools that help authors communicate

Tools to promote author profiles

Tools to manage multi-author blog posts

Chapter 5: Dealing with Comments and Spam

Deciding to Allow Comments on Your Site

Positive aspects of allowing comments

Exploring reasons to disallow comments

Interacting with Readers through Comments

Tracking back

Comment and trackback display

Managing Comments and Trackbacks

Dealing with Comment and Trackback Spam

Tackling Spam with Akismet

Chapter 6: Building Link Lists

Organizing Your Links

Adding new links

Editing existing links

Displaying Link Lists on Your Site

Chapter 7: Creating Categories and Tags

Archiving Content with WordPress

Building categories

Changing the name of a category

Creating new categories

Creating and Editing Tags

Book IV: Publishing Your Site with WordPress

Chapter 1: Writing Your First Post

Composing Your Blog Post

Refining Your Post Options

Publishing your post

Being your own editor

Creating Your Own Workspace for Writing

Adjusting screen options

Arranging post modules

Chapter 2: Examining the Difference between Posts and Pages

Understanding the Difference between Posts and Pages

Creating the Front Page of Your Web Site

Creating the static page

Setting page options

Assigning a static page as the front page

Adding a Blog to Your Web Site

Chapter 3: Uploading and Displaying Photos and Galleries

Inserting Images into Your Blog Posts

Adding an image from the Web

Adding an image from your computer

Aligning your images

Inserting a Photo Gallery

Chapter 4: Exploring Podcasting and Video Blogging

Inserting Video Files into Your Blog Posts

Adding video from the Web

Adding video from your computer

Inserting Audio Files into Your Blog Posts

Podcasting with WordPress

Keeping Media Files Organized

Chapter 5: Working with Custom Fields

Understanding Custom Fields

Exploring the Custom Fields Interface

Adding Custom Fields to Your Template File

Entering the code in the template file

Getting WordPress to check for your Custom Field

Exploring Different Uses for Custom Fields

Chapter 6: Using WordPress as a Content Management System

Creating Different Page Views Using WordPress Templates

Uploading the template

Assigning the template to a static page

Creating a Template for Each Post Category

Pulling in Content from a Single Category

Finding the category ID number

Adding the <query_post> tag

Using Sidebar Templates

Custom Styles for Sticky, Category, and Tag Posts

Working with Custom Post Types

Optimizing Your WordPress Blog

Planting keywords in your Web site

Optimizing your post titles for search engine success

Writing content with readers in mind

Creating categories that attract search engines

Using the <ALT> tag for images

Book V: Examining SEO and Social Media

Chapter 1: Exposing Your Content

Understanding the Three C's of the Social Web




Making It Easy for Users to Share Your Content

Determining Where You Need to Participate

Finding Influencers

Leveraging Twitter for Social-Media Success

Building your Twitter account by using automated tools

Updating Twitter from your WordPress blog

Engaging with Facebook

Chapter 2: Creating a Social-Media Listening Hub

Exploring Reasons for a Social-Media Listening Hub

Eavesdropping on yourself

Keeping tabs on your brand

Exploring Different Listening Tools

Monitoring with Google Alerts

Tracking conversations with Social Mention

Listening to blogs with BlogPulse

Checking rank with Technorati

Connecting conversations with BackType

Searching communities with Boardreader

Staying on top of conversations with Twitter Search

Microblog searching with Twingly

Creating Your Own Personal Monitoring Mix

Grouping your monitoring results

Cleaning and combining your feeds

Editing the Dashboard to Create a Listening Post

Chapter 3: Understanding Analytics

Understanding the Importance of Analytics

Exploring the Options to Track Data

Understanding Key Analytics Terminology

Signing Up and Installing Google Analytics on Your WordPress Site

Signing up for Google Analytics

Installing the tracking code

Verifying that you installed the code properly

Installing and configuring the Analytics plugin

Using the data from the plugin

Using PostRank with WordPress

Chapter 4: Search Engine Optimization

Understanding the Importance of Search Engine Optimization

Outlining the Advantages That WordPress Presents for SEO

Understanding How Search Engines See Your Content

Using links as currency

Submitting to search engines and directories

Optimizing Your Blog under the Hood



Researching Your Niche

Creating Search Engine Strategies

Setting up your blog

Improving your blog's design

Dealing with duplicate content

Creating an editorial SEO list/calendar

Establishing a routine for publishing posts on your site

Creating a link-building strategy

Chapter 5: Exploring Popular SEO Plugins

Exploring Must-Use Plugins for SEO Best Practices

All in One SEO Pack

XML Sitemap Generator for WordPress


Yoast Breadcrumbs

WP-Page Navi

Robots Meta

Book VI: Customizing the Look of Your Site

Chapter 1: Examining the Default Theme: Twenty Ten

Exploring the Layout and Structure

Customizing the Header Image

Customizing the Background Color

Including Custom Navigation Menus

Enhancing Your Web Site with Widgets

Adding widgets to your sidebar or footer

Using the Text widget

Using the RSS widget

Chapter 2: Finding and Installing WordPress Themes

Getting Started with Free Themes

Understanding What to Avoid with Free Themes

Installing a Theme

Browsing the free themes

Previewing and activating a theme

Exploring Premium Theme Options

Chapter 3: Exploring the Anatomy of a Theme

Starting with the Basics

Understanding the Stylesheet

Exploring Template Tags, Values, and Parameters

Understanding the basics

Using parameters

Customizing common tags

Digging deeper into the WordPress Codex

Creating New Widget Areas

Registering your widget

Displaying new widgets on your site

Simplifying customization with functions

Exploring common problems

Examining the Main Index and The Loop

Header template

Sidebar template

Footer template

Examining Other Template Files

Customizing Your Blog Posts with Template Tags

Putting It All Together

Connecting the templates

Using additional stylesheets

Chapter 4: Customizing Your Theme

Changing Your Background Graphic

Uploading an image for background use

Positioning, repeating, and attaching images

Changing Your Header Graphic

Considering the image dimensions

Uploading a header image

Personalizing Your Theme with CSS

CSS selectors

CSS IDs and classes

CSS properties and values

Understanding Basic HTML Techniques

Changing Basic Elements for a Unique Look

Background colors and images

Font family, color, and size


Finding Additional Resources

Chapter 5: Understanding Parent and Child Themes

Customizing Theme Style with Child Themes

Creating a child theme

Loading a parent theme's style

Customizing the parent theme's styling

Using images in child theme designs

Modifying Theme Structure with Child Themes

Overriding parent template files

Adding new template files

Removing template files

Modifying the functions.php file

Preparing a Parent Theme

Chapter 6: Digging into Advanced Theme Development

Getting Started with Advanced Theming

Finding a good starting point

Customizing the theme to your needs

Adding New Template Files

Creating named templates

Creating and using template parts

Exploring content-specific standard templates

Using page templates

Adding Theme Support for Built-In Features

Adding support for custom menus

Adding support for custom post types

Adding Support for Custom Taxonomies

Adding support for post formats

Adding support for post thumbnails

Exploring Theme Options

Understanding theme options basics

Building a simple theme options page

Using theme options in the theme

Chapter 7: Using Theme Frameworks to Simplify Customization

Understanding Theme Frameworks

Discovering Popular Frameworks

Theme Hybrid




iThemes Builder


Common Framework Features

Theme functions


Child themes

Layout options


Customizing Theme Frameworks

Book VII: Using and Developing Plugins

Chapter 1: Introducing WordPress Plugins

Extending WordPress with Plugins

Identifying core plugins

Distinguishing between themes and plugins

Finding free plugins to use on your site

Comparing free and premium plugins

Evaluating plugins on the fl y

Getting Started with Popular Free Plugins

All in One SEO Pack

Subscribe to Comments

AJAX Edit Comments

Twitter Tools

Contact Form

Chapter 2: Installing and Activating Plugins

Installing WordPress Plugins via the Dashboard

Manually Installing Plugins

Upgrading Plugins

Upgrading automatically

Upgrading manually

Activating and Deactivating Plugins

Uninstalling Plugins

Uninstalling automatically

Uninstalling plugins manually

Chapter 3: Exploring Plugin Options and Settings

Discovering Global and Page/Post Specific Settings

Advanced Plugin Configuration

WP Super Cache Stats

Widget Settings

Setting Up a Test Site

Finding Technical Support

Chapter 4: Modifying Existing Plugin Code to Your Liking

Troubleshooting Plugin Problems

Locating Plugin and Theme Conflicts

Exploring Plugin Interaction with WordPress

Understanding action hooks

Understanding filter hooks

Identifying Functions within a Plugin

Identifying Functionality and Output

Editing Plugin Files

Chapter 5: Creating Simple WordPress Plugins from Scratch

Understanding Plugin Structure

Inspecting WordPress's default plugins

Knowing the requirements

Following best practices

Creating Your First Plugin

Setting up the plugin files

Adding the plugin header

Testing the plugin

Fixing Problems

White screen of nothingness

Unexpected output error

Filtering Content

Setting up the plugin structure

Testing the filter

Replacing contractions in your content

Creating Shortcodes

Setting up the plugin structure

Building a simple shortcode

Using shortcode attributes

Adding content to shortcodes

Adding Widgets

Coding a simple widget

Adding an options editor to a widget

Building a Settings Page

Setting up the plugin structure

Adding a new Admin menu entry

Creating a settings form

Configuring default settings

Adding settings functions

Creating the MSP_Form class

Testing the plugin

Chapter 6: Exploring Plugin Development Best Practices

Attending to the Basics

Creating a readme.txt File

Internationalizing or Localizing Your Plugin

Using GetText Functions for Text Strings

Creating the POT file

Chapter 7: Plugin Tips and Tricks

Using a Plugin Template

Making Your Plugin Pluggable

Enhancing Plugins with CSS and JavaScript

Calling stylesheets within a plugin

Calling JavaScript within a plugin

Custom Post Types

Using Custom Shortcodes

Adding Functionality to Profile Filters

Correcting Hyperlink Problems

Book VIII: Running Multiple Sites with WordPress

Chapter 1: An Introduction to Multiple Sites

Exploring the Merge from Multiuser to Network

Understanding the Difference between Sites and Blogs

Discovering When You Should Use the Network Feature

Setting Up the Optimal Hosting Environment

Checking out shared versus dedicated hosting

Exploring subdomains versus subdirectories

Choosing Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP server snvironments

Adding a virtual host to the Apache configuration

Chapter 2: Setting Up and Configuring Network Features

Enabling the Network Feature

Exploring the Difference between Subdirectories and Subdomains

Installing the Network on Your Site

Disabling the Network

Dealing with Common Errors

Chapter 3: Becoming a Network Admin

Exploring the Network Admin Menu

Managing Your Network







Stopping Spam Sign-Ups and Splogs

Chapter 4: Management of Users and Access Control

Setting Default User Permissions

User registration

Controlling access to sites

Importing users

Changing Defaults

Site-specific sign-up

Changing roles on sign-up

Locking down menus

Exploring Default Site Settings

Private blogs

Enabling plugins

Chapter 5: Using Network Plugins and Themes

Using One Theme on Multiple Sites

Enabling themes for individual sites

Installing themes for network use

Setting the default theme for sites

Gathering and Displaying Network-wide Content

Adding Posts from Network Sites

Listing network sites

Displaying user comments

Sitewide tags and categories

Using and Installing Network-wide Plugins

Discovering Handy Network Plugins

Chapter 6: Using Multiple Domains within Your Network

Introducing Domain Mapping

Parking or pointing domains

Domain name server records

Installing the Domain Mapping Plugin

Obtaining your IP address

Mapping a domain to a site

Mapping a Large Volume of Domains

Apache configuration

Hiding the original installation domain

Setting Up Multiple Networks


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