About the Authors

Lisa Sabin-Wilson (WordPress For Dummies, BuddyPress For Dummies, WordPress Web Design For Dummies) has 8 years experience working with the WordPress platform, having adopted it early in its first year of release in 2003. Lisa is the owner of a successful design studio, E.Webscapes (http://ewebscapes.com), and a WordPress Web hosting company, BlogsAbout (http://blogsabout.com), and is a regular speaker on topics related to design and WordPress at several national conferences. Additionally, she hosts WordPress workshops around the country, teaching people how to use the WordPress platform to publish their own sites on the World Wide Web. You can find Lisa online at her personal blog (http://lisasabin-wilson.com) and Twitter (@LisaSabinWilson).

Cory Miller is a former newspaper journalist and public relations practitioner, turned freelance web designer, turned full-time entrepreneur. In January 2008, Cory founded iThemes (http://ithemes.com), a provider of premium WordPress themes, and in the summer of 2009, he and his team launched WebDesign.com (http://webdesign.com), a premium provider of web design training with WordPress. You can find Cory online on his personal blog: http://corymiller.com and on Twitter: @CoryMiller303.

Kevin Palmer is the founder of Social Media Answers, a consulting firm that helps companies create and foster a social media marketing strategy, improve their SEO, and drive traffic through organic and paid marketing in the B2B and B2C spaces. Kevin has successfully helped Internet startups and Fortune 500 companies. Kevin resides in Portland, OR and is attempting to prove you are never too old to play ice hockey. You can read Kevin's blog at http://socialmediaanswers.com/blog and follow him on Twitter (@kevinpalmer).

Andrea Rennick is self-taught in all things WordPress since 2005. She is also a mom of four homeschooled, mostly grown children, and grandmother to one. She thinks if she can do it, you can, too. When not building things with WordPress or writing about how to do things with WordPress, she's usually quilting. Often, Andrea populates the WordPress support forums with answers to your questions about WordPress, particularly her area of expertise: WordPress Multisite. She also runs a multisite resource Web site, WordPress Must Use Tutorials, at http://wpmututorials.com. You can find Andrea online at her personal blog (http://ronandandrea.com) and Twitter (@Andrea_R).

Michael Torbert is the developer of the popular WordPress All in One SEO Pack plugin and owner of Semper Fi Web Design (http://semperfiweb design.com). Michael's expertise includes WordPress plugin development and best SEO practices.

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