World Anchor system

The system that Microsoft has devised to make and manage World Anchors is relatively simple. For the longest time, the process was made up of the World Anchor Store (WAS), as well as the World Anchors themselves.

Knowing when to save, load, delete, and attach a World Anchor could be a little confusing at first. Knowing that an object that has a World Anchor attached to it and cannot be moved added a layer of complexity. 

A recent addition to the HoloToolkit, the World Anchor Manager (WAM), really simplifies the whole process down to this:

  • Supplying a name
  • Telling the manager to remove the anchor when you want to move an object
  • Telling the manager to attach a new one when you are done moving an object

It is helpful to know and understand the system that is in place, even if the World Anchor Manager mostly controls it now. With that in mind, we will quickly break down the World Anchor Manager's functions:

  • Managing the World Anchor Store: So, mostly everything
  • Attaching an Anchor: WAM handles checking whether the anchor exists in the store and loads that anchor or names and saves a new one
  • Removing an Anchor: This deletes the World Anchor component attached to the game object and then deletes the anchor from the store

Now, let's get back to our project.

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