Using our sounds

We will now go through the steps of getting one of our sounds into Layer 1 and then setting all the necessary options to get our arcade atmosphere working:

  1. In Hierarchy view, make sure that Layer 1 is selected. In the Inspector, click on the tiny donut on the far-right side of the AudioClip input field:
  1. A window labeled Select Audio Clip will appear. This lists all of the sounds we have available for us to choose from; select our first imported sound from the list:
  1. Now, in the Inspector, set the following options: 
    • Spatialize: Checked
    • Play On Awake: Checked
    • Loop: Checked
    • Spatial Blend: 1 (fully 3D)

This is shown in the following screenshot:

That is it; now, repeat the exact process for Layers 2–4. Once we are done, we will compile and test out our atmosphere.

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