
We are about to dig into a primer on the thick and complex subject of C# scripting. Before we do, we need to get our chapter's Unity scene set up inside the Unity editor; let's perform the steps to do this:

  1. First, let's make a prefab out of our Manager object by selecting the Manager object and dragging it down to the Prefabs directory in the Project View.
  2. With the Chapter 3, I Am in Control, scene still loaded, we need to navigate to Assets/Scene in the Project View and double-click on the Chapter 2.unity scene file.
  3. In the Hierarchy view, delete Platform, Hello, and World.
  4. Click File on the main menu, and click on Save Scene As....
  5. Name the file Chapter4 and click on Save.
  6. To keep a copy of this file in the current state, click on File, followed by Save Scene As...
  7. Name the file Fresh and click on Save.
  8. In the Assets/Scene folder, double-click on Chapter4 to load it again.
  9. Select the Manager prefab and drag it into the Hierarchy view.
  10. In the Inspector, in the Keyword Manager component, click on the gear in the upper-right corner.
  11. Select Reset.
  12. In the Project View, drill down to HoloToolkit | Input | Prefabs and drag the cursor object into the Hierarchy view.
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