It's not really backtracking if it was the plan

With that part done, let's have a quick talk. I have mentioned previously in this book that there are many ways to offer a similar solution. Some work better for one situation and less for another. With that in mind, we will partially rewrite the ApplicationManager class in this chapter to better work for our needs now.

In the end, it will basically do the same thing as it did before. The few features we will add to it could have been easily added to the ApplicationManager from Chapter 7, The Tools of the Trade, but where is the fun in that?

Most of the work in this class will be done in the Update () function. This other approach will allow better and more visible flow control down the line. Up to this point, we just have a few simple if statements running the flow. We will be changing that to a switch statement, a rather long one.

After changing ApplicationManager, we will add a new class to our AppManager object called SyncSpawnSkee. This class is the one that actually spawns in our Skee machine.

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