Some quick house cleaning

If you were to test the application at this point, it should run and do everything we have set out for it to do, with one exception. If you start to play the game itself, for some reason the GameBall will not move more than a few inches. This is a problem with the SkeeBall machine model itself--a problem that I have fixed and made downloadable. You will need to import to get the full working effect of the project.

Before we do that, we need to clean out a few script files and move the important ones to the correct directory.

First, let's get rid of the stuff we do not need. If any of the following files are in your scripts directory, delete them:

  • ChangeRectColor.cs
  • LaunchBall.cs
  • MasterPermission.cs
  • PowerSwitch.cs
  • RectAnim.cs
  • StartButton.cs

After that purging (assuming that you did not already move scripts from this chapter to the scripts folder), you should have the following:

  • Application Manager.cs
  • OptionsButton.cs
  • PlaceSkeeMachine.cs
  • SyncSpawnSkee.cs

Now you should have six files in your Assets directory, (again, assuming that you did not already put them in your Scripts directory). Select and drag them to your scripts folder. Unity will take a quick moment to recompile and link up with objects:

  • BounceObjectToPoints.cs
  • ChangeLayerOfChildren.cs
  • IgnoreSpatialMappingLayer.cs
  • ScorePoints.cs
  • SkeeSpawner.cs
  • ThrowBall.cs
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