Replacing the main Prefab

Alright, now we will import the working skee ball machine into your project:

  1. Look in the downloads for skeemachine9.unitypackage.
  2. Click on Assets | Import Package | Custom Package.
  3. Then, select the skeemachine9.unitypackage and let it import everything it suggests.
  4. Once it has finished importing, ensure that all the important connections made through it are intact. I have run into multiple situations where the connections broke and, of course, you have no idea till the application is not working.

Here's a rundown of the potential problem areas to check and the appropriate GameObjects that should be there:

  • AppManager GameObject | SyncSpawnSkee> Skee Prefab: skee
  • AppManager GameObject | Application Manager component | SkeeBall Prefab: GameBall
  • Skee | UI | SkeeSpawner | Spawn Point: BallSpawnPoint
  • Skee | UI | SkeeSpawner | SkeeBall Prefab: GameBall
  • Sharing | PrefabSpawnManager | Prefab: skee

Regardless of whether all those connections made it through or you had to manually fix them, you are ready to build and test out the SkeeBall game. If for any reason you cannot get it to run either in the editor or on the HoloLens in the downloads package, there is a file called HoloLensBeginnersGuideChapter9Final.rar. Just extract the Assets folder on top of your Assets folder and allow it to overwrite everything.

Ideally, if this is the case, the next chapter should help you find the solution without having to resort to such actions, but I do understand that people get impatient to try things, so I have offered a cheat here.

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