
Unity is a software framework designed to speed up the creation of games and 3D-based software. Generally speaking, Unity is known as a game engine but the more apparent the holographic world becomes, the more we will use such a development environment for different kinds of applications.

Unity is an application that allows us to take 3D models, 2D graphics, particle systems, and sound to make them interact with each other and our user. Many elements are dragged and dropped and plugged and played; what you see is what you get. This can simplify the iteration and testing process. As developers, we most likely do not want to build and compile little changes we make in the development process forever. This allows us to see the changes in context to ensure that they work; then once we hit a group of changes, we can test them on the HoloLens ourselves. This does not work for every aspect of HoloLens-Unity development, but it does work for a good 80%-90%.

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