Audio Source options

The Audio Source has a lot of options, but don't get intimidated by them. Also, if you pay close attention, you will note that this version of the Audio Source looks a little different than the one mentioned previously in the chapter; that is due to the MS HRTF Spatializer plugin being used.

Now, let's take a look at the options we need to worry about for this chapter:

  • AudioClip: This will be where our sound clip goes.
  • Spatialize: This one is probably self-explanatory at this point, but just in case, this will force the sound we use to be spatialized for the MS HRTF plugin.
  • Play On Awake: If this is selected, this will start playing as soon as it loads. If it is not selected, you will have to trigger this sound using a script.
  • Loop: This forces the sound to start again from the beginning when it ends in an infinite loop.
  • Volume:  This is a volume slider ranging from 0.0 to 1.0.
  • Spatial Blend: This is a slider bar ranging from 2D to 3D. We will stick to the 3D option for now.

For our purpose, these will be the options we use; on that note, let's begin.

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