Think globally act locally

Unless you have changed the default settings, there is a high probability that if you look at your scene view to attempt to move the second trigger to its appropriate spot, you will see the Transform Gizmo pointing upward, which is very similar to the following screenshot:

Our object is on a 40-degree angle, but our Transform Gizmo is aligned with the world. This movement configuration will cause a few headaches in the process of positioning the other TargetColliders:

Fortunately, sitting on the Unity toolbar is the answer. The Transform Gizmo toggles. Simply by clicking on the right button and changing the option from Global to Local, you see your Translation Gizmo align to your object:

Now move the 20Collider to its appropriate hole using the Green Gizmo arm:

With that out of the way, repeat this process for 30, 40, 50, 100, and 100; duplicate, rename, adjust to the appropriate scoreValue, and move the collider to its correct spot. When you are finished, it should look something like this:

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