Ball Spawn Point

Here, we will create an object to use as the Spawn Point for our SkeeBalls. It's a pretty quick and straightforward process; let's look at the steps to accomplish this:

  1. Right-click on the skee object, select 3D Object, and click on Sphere:
  1. Name the newly created sphere BallSpawnPoint.
  2. Set the Transform component to the following settings:
  • Position X = -153 Y = 2.800006 Z = -780.4
  • Rotation X= 0 Y = -90 Z = 0
  • Scale X = 30 Y= 30 Z = 30

If you are curious as to why we are rotating the object, the reason is that we need our object to spawn with its forward vector facing down the ramp; this way the object goes the correct direction when we apply force to it. The reason we must do this is due to a problem with the machine model that is being used. Likely it was created in a program with a different coordinate system and as a result, it is rotated 90 degrees. The simple change of rotating our object to 90 degrees simplifies the physics calculations that come later.

Now uncheck the boxes to turn the two components off using the checkboxes for the Sphere collider and Mesh Renderer components:

With that, we have a completed Spawn Point. Now, it is time to create the object that will spawn our ball Prefab.

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