Pre-compiling Microsoft .NET Framework assemblies

Microsoft .NET compiles framework assemblies on an as-needed basis when .NET-dependent programs are launched for the first time. This process can be both CPU- and disk-intensive, so you should pre-compile all .NET Framework assemblies on the master virtual desktop image prior to deployment.

Microsoft .NET 3.5 is not installed by default on Windows 8.1. If it is required, it should be installed prior to completing the following procedure. Microsoft .NET 3.5 can be installed using the Control Panel entry Programs | Turn Windows features on or off.

The following steps outline how to pre-compile all versions of the .NET Framework assemblies:

  1. Use Windows Update to download and install all available .NET updates, and reboot as needed.
  2. Open an elevated Windows Command Prompt.
  3. On 32-bit Windows computers, navigate to C:WindowsMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv4.0.30319; on 64-bit Windows computers, navigate to C:WindowsMicrosoft.NETFramework64v4.0.30319.
  4. Type ngen.exe executequeueditems and hit Enter, as shown in the following screenshot. This process may require several minutes to complete; in the example provided, there were no additional assemblies to pre-compile:
In some cases, a newer .NET Framework may be installed that has a higher version number than 4.0.30319. If step 4 fails, repeat step 3, but navigate to the directory created for that version and complete step 4 again.
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