Retrieving information about remote Horizon sessions

The Get-RemoteSession command is used to obtain information about any current Horizon sessions. The command supports several options that can be used to return only those sessions that match the specified criteria.

The following example command retrieves all the remote Horizon sessions for the EngineeringLC1 desktop pool:

Get-RemoteSession -Pool_id EngineeringLC1

The Get-RemoteSession command supports multiple options for listing client connections. Only one option is required in order to retrieve session information. The options include the following:

  • Username: The username is in the FullDomainNameusername format—for example, vjason.localcharles
  • Pool_id: The desktop pool ID—for example, EngineeringLC1
  • Session_id: The horizon session ID
  • Duration: Duration in the format “dd day(s) hh hour(s) mm minute(s) ss second(s)”—for example, 2 days 1 hour 15 minutes 1 second
  • DnsName: The DNS name of the virtual desktop
  • State: The state of the desktop (Connected or Disconnected)
  • Protocol: The protocol being used in the session (PCOIP or RDP)
  • StartTime: The time at which the session was started, including the day, time, time zone, and year—for example, Mon Dec 31 22:00:15 EST 2018
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