Creating an automatically provisioned full clone desktop pool

The Add-AutomaticPool command can be used to create Horizon full clone desktop pools. Some desktop pool options, such as Horizon Storage Accelerator, cannot be configured using PowerCLI. These settings must be configured after the pool has been created using the Horizon Administrator console.

Not all of the values in the following example command are mandatory; the FolderID and CustomizationSpecName values can both be omitted, and the Horizon defaults can be used instead.

The remaining values are all required in order to create a full clone pool using the Add-AutomaticPool PowerCLI command:

Get-ViewVC -serverName “Vc-01.vjason.local” | Get-ComposerDomain –domain vjason.local” -username vjasonsvc-composer” | Add-AutomaticPool -Pool_id “EngineeringFC1” -DisplayName “Engineering Desktops” -NamePrefix “EngineeringFC{n:fixed=4}” -VmFolderPath “/RTP/vm/Desktops” -ResourcePoolPath “/RTP/host/HOR-Cluster1/Resources” -TemplatePath “/RTP/vm/Master/ Win10x32-FC” –DatastorePaths “/RTP/host/HOR-Cluster1/DS1;/ RTP/host/HOR-Cluster1/DS2;/RTP/host/HOR-Cluster1/DS3” -MaximumCount 100 -HeadroomCount 90 -MinimumCount 100 -FolderId “Engineering” -CustomizationSpecName “Hor_Full_Clones”
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