Retrieving the Horizon infrastructure health monitors and their status

The Get-Monitor command is used to retrieve Horizon health-monitoring data from all or specific Horizon monitors. The following example command retrieves all the Horizon health-monitoring data for the HORCON1 Horizon connection server:

Get-Monitor -Monitor_id “HORCON1

Omit the options to retrieve a list of all of the Horizon monitoring data. The Get-Monitor command supports two different options, as shown in the following list:

  • Monitor_id option: The ID of the monitor. You can provide the specific monitor ID itself, obtained using the Get-Monitor command, or you can specify a Horizon server name. All monitors for that server will be returned.
  • Monitor option: The name of the monitor. The possible values include the following:
    • CBMonitor: Connection server monitor
    • DBMonitor: Horizon event database monitor
    • DomainMonitor: Domain connection monitor
    • SGMonitor: Security server monitor
    • VCMonitor: vCenter server monitor
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