Seeking help

In the process of writing this chapter, I hit an absolutely stopping roadblock. Apparently, there were three things going on that were keeping World Anchors from working. The problem with three separate mysterious issues and only one error message is that it can create a domino effect of failures. You get into the cycle of changing things and getting no positive effect, so you change other things. You may have fixed one issue, but it still doesn't work, so you change it again. It can be very frustrating.

After many, I mean many, hours of making changes, checking versions of software and searching Google for answers, I finally came across the first answer, World Anchor Store does not work in the Unity Editor, as I said.

So, in order to not bore you with all the insane details, the very last thing we changed in the last section was the final puzzle piece. All said, I am lucky I did not pull all of my hair out.

My point in telling you this is threefold:

  1. Do not hesitate to search for an answer. Most of the time someone has come across your problem before you did, and there is an answer if you just look for it.
  2. When that fails, ask. There are many development communities on the Internet, and most people in those groups will not talk down to you as they answer your question in the most nebulous way they can.
  3. Sometimes, you will have to find the answer on your own. When that is the case, you need to have the necessary tools.

The simple answer was "the WorldAnchorStore does not work in the Unity Editor." And at this point, there is no fix for it. On the other hand, if you build, compile, and deploy, it works perfectly fine. So go try it out before moving on to the next section where we will learn an easy way to avoid the pains I went through.

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