
Page numbers followed by “f” indicate a figure; and those followed by “t” indicate a table.


AABB trees, 1093

Absorption, 737

Abstract coordinate system, 39, 42

to specify scene, 4244

Abstract geometric vs. ready for rendering, 467

Abstraction, defined, 10

Abstraction, in expressive rendering, 947, 959961

factorization, 947

kinds of, 947

schematization, 947

simplification, 947

Abstraction considerations, 444

Abstraction distance, 1138

A-buffer, 1057

Acceleration data structures, 472

Accretion, 569

ACC surfaces. See Approximate Catmull-Clark subdivision surfaces

Accumulation buffer, 1056

ACM. See Association for Computing Machinery

ACM Transactions on Graphics, 922

Acne, shadow, 416

Active edge table, 1041

Additive color, 760

Adjacency information, on meshes, 338339

Adjacent vertex, 637

Adjoint transformation, 253

Affine combination, 154, 160

Affine combination of points, 160

Affine transformations, 182, 234, 259

Affordances (user interfaces), 572

Albedo, 547

Algebra, geometric, 284

Aliasing, 331, 544, 557559, 837, 1055

in line rendering, 544

Aliasing revisited, 527729

Alpha-to-coverage, 366

Alpha value, 481

Alternative mesh structures, 187ff, 635ff, 338

AM. See Application model (AM)

Ambient light, 8, 122, 124

Ambient occlusion, 742

Ambient reflection, 136

AMIP. See Application-Model-to-IM-Platform Pipeline (AMIP)

Analytic BSDFs, 358

Angles, 686688

solid, 686688

subtended, 687

Animation element, in XAML, 55

Animation(s), 94, 963

burden of temporal coherence in, 985987

considerations for rendering, 975987

creating a sailing ship firing a cannon (simulation), 969972, 970f

creating a walking character, 966969

double buffering, 975976

implicit curves in, 631632

implicit shapes in, 631632

interlacing, 978980

level-set approach to, 631632

motion blur, 980983

motion perception, 976978

navigating corridors (motion planning), 972973

notations related to, 973975

physically based, 963, 989

problem of the first frame in, 984985

root frame, 972

stop-motion, 987

temporal aliasing, 980983

temporal coherence, exploiting, 983984

triple buffering, 976

ways to produce, 964

Animator, 966, 989

Anisotropic materials, 883

Antialiasing, 498ff, 982, 985, 1055

coverage sampling, 10581059

multisample, 10571058

spatial, 10551060

supersampled, 10561057

supersampling techniques for, 985986

API, 15, 2526, 32

Appearance modeling, 742

Appel’s ray-casting algorithm, 449, 797, 838

Apple Lisa, 568

Application model (AM), 36, 466468

Application-Model-to-IM-Platform Pipeline (AMIP), 468474

Application programming interfaces. See API

Approximate Catmull-Clark subdivision surfaces, 613

Approximation (graphics)

common forms of, 825831

of the series solution of rendering equation, 847848

Arcball interface, 280, 584

evaluation of, 584

practical implications of, 584

Architectural considerations, 444445

Arctan, 152

Area-and-angle preserving, as a property of texture mapping, 555

Area lights, 377379, 550, 698, 740, 784, 847, 866-868, 888, 915918, 925926. See also Area luminaire

hemispherical, 378379

rectangular, 377378

reflecting illumination from, 896

Area luminaire, 785, 788, 798, 891, 895. See also Area lights

Area-subdivision algorithms, 1041

Area-weighted radiance, 910. See also Biradiance

Aspect ratios

and field of view, 316317

of triangles, 197

Associated transformations, 294

Attenuated geometric light source, 133


Back buffer, 971, 975

Back face, of polygon, 337

Backface culling, 337, 1023, 1028, 10471049

Backscattering, 730

Baking (models), 247

Band, of energies, 672

Band-limiting, 514, 522523, 524, 534, 541

reconstruction and, 524527

sampling and, 514515

Band reconstruction, 534

Barycentric coordinates, 172, 183, 202, 203, 216, 218

analogs of, 182

Barycentric coordinates of x, 219

Barycentric interpolation, code for, 203207

Basic graphics systems, 2023

and graphics data, 2123

Basis functions, 208, 596, 597, 600, 608, 609, 612, 625, 848850. See also Tent-shaped functions

Basis matrix, 597598, 603

Beckmann distribution function, 732

Beta phenomenon, 977

Bézier curve, 598, 607

Bézier patches, 607, 608610, 609f

described, 608

Bicubic tensor product patch, 609

Bidirectional path tracing, 853, 870871

schematic representation of, 853f

Bidirectional reflectance distribution function (BRDF), 646647, 703, 783, 814, 834, 852, 946

anisotropic, 883, 885

Blinn-Phong, 883

cosine weighted, 820

glass and, 705706

Lambertian, 814, 883

mirrors and, 705706

Phong, 883

reciprocity and, 705706

Bidirectional scattering distribution function (BSDF), 354362, 704, 712, 820, 852

analytic, 358

isotropic, 883

local representation of, 882887

measured, 358

Bidirectional surface scattering reflectance distribution function (BSSRDF), 704, 712, 738

Bidirectional transmittance distribution function (BTDF), 704

Bijective, 152. See also Injective

Billboard clouds, 348

Billboards, 648

and impostors, 347348

Binary space partition (BSP) trees, 10231024, 1030, 10841089

building, 10891092

C++ implementation of, 1086

conservative ball intersection, 1088

conservative box intersection, 1088

first-ray intersection, 1088

kd tree, 1089

oct tree, 1090

pseudocode for visibility testing in, 1032

quad trees, 1090, 1091f

ray-primitive intersection, 10301032

2D binary space partition tree (BSP), 1086f

Binary tree (data structure), 1077

1D example, 1079

Binned rendering, 11371138

abstraction distance in, 1138

advantages of, 1138

deferred shading in, 11371138

drawbacks of, 1138

excess latency, 1138

full-scene anti-aliasing in, 1137

local memory in, 1137

poor multipass operation, 1138

properties of, 11371138

unbounded memory requirements, 1138

Biradiance, 910. See also Area-weighted radiance

Birefringence, 682

Bisection method, 830831

Bitmaps, 38

Black body, 672

Blending, 362364

and translucency, 361364

Blindness, motion-induced, 114

Blinn-Phong BRDF, general form of, 721

Blinn-Phong model (reflection model), 138, 395ff, 414, 721723

Blobby modeling, 343

Blob tree, 624

Bloom and lens flare, 369

Bloom focus, 336

Blue noise distribution, 921

Blue screening, 485

Blurring, 317, 543, 545, 983

Body-centered Euler angles, 272

Body-centered rotation, 272. See also Object-centered rotation

Boilerplate, 83

Boltzmann’s constant, 674

Bottom-up construction, and composition, 140144

Boundaries, and light transport, 798

Boundary component, 641

Boundary edge, 194, 637

determining, 638

Boundarylike vertex, 194

Boundary of a simplex, 638

Boundary vertex, 194, 638

Bounded color models, 771

Bounding box, 38, 197, 198f, 285, 420, 429, 631, 983

Bounding-box optimization, 420421

beyond, 429

Bounding geometry, 1068

Bounding Volume Hierarchy (BVH), 916, 1049, 10921093, 1092f

Bounding volumes, 1068

BRDF. See Bidirectional reflectance distribution function (BRDF)

Brewster’s angle, 682

Brightness (light), 108, 750, 756

just noticeable difference (JND), 754

perception of, 750756

Brush (geometric primitive), 38

Brushstroke coherence, 986

BSDF. See Bidirectional scattering distribution function (BSDF)

B-spline basis matrix, 603


cubic, 602603

nonuniform, 604

nonuniform rational, 604

rational, 604

uniform spacing of, 604

BSSRDF. See Bidirectional surface scattering reflectance distribution function (BSSRDF)

BTDF. See Bidirectional transmittance distribution function (BTDF)

Buckets, 1093, 1093f. See also Grid cells

Buffers, 327330

color, 328

depth, 329

framebuffer, 329

stencil, 329

Buffer swap, 443

Building blocks of ray optics, 330

Building transformations, from view specification, 303310

Bump mapping, 547, 550551


Cached and precomputed information on meshes, 340341

Caching, 983, 1129ff

Callback procedure, 23

Camera(s), 336337

depth of field, 301

design, 406

focal distance of, 301

orthographic, 315317

perspective camera specification, 301303

position of, 301

specifications and transformations, 299317

transformation and rasterizing renderer ripeline, 310312

Camera coordinates. See Camera-space coordinates

Camera setup, 460461

Camera-space coordinates, 22, 299, 928

Camera visibility. See Primary visibility

Candelas (measurement unit of luminous intensity), 751

Capsule (3D volume), 1066

Cartoons, hand-animated, 966

Cathode-ray tubes (CRTs), 20, 770

Catmull-Clark subdivision surfaces, 610613

Catmull-Rom spline, 540, 540f, 598601

applications of, 602

generalization of, 601602

nonuniform, 601

uniform, 601

Caustics, and light transport, 798

Cdf. See Cumulative distribution function (cdf)

Channels, 483

color, 483

object ID, 485

Chateau (user interface), 589590

Chromatic aberration, 336337, 680

Chunking rasterizer. See Tiling rasterizer

CIE chromaticity diagram, 765

applications of, 766

defining complementary colors, 766

excitation purity and, 766

indicating gamuts, 766

CIE Luv color coordinates, 767

CIE L*u*v* uniform color space, 767

Circularly polarized wave, 677

Client area, 37, 39, 46

Clipping, 59, 63, 10451046

of data, 24

near-plane, 422, 1044, 1046

Sutherland-Hodgman 2D clipping, 10451046

whole-frustum clipping, 1044, 1047

Clipping planes, 122

Closed interval, 150

Closed meshes, 190

Closed oriented meshes, 195

Closed surface, 638

Clustering, 665666

Clusters, 1043

CMTM. See Composite modeling transformation matrix

CMYK color, 774775

Coded apertures, 493

Codomain, 151. See also Domain

for texture maps, 553554

Coefficient of extinction, 682, 728, 738

Coefficient of restitution, 1012

Coherence, 950

spatial, 950

temporal, 950, 962

Colatitude, 688

Collision proxy geometry, 337

Color bleeding, 839

Colorblindness, 746

Color buffer, 328

Color constancy, 110, 748

Color description, 756758, 771774

Colorimetry, 747

Color interpolation, 777779

Color matching, 748

Color models

bounded, 771

RGB, 772774

YIQ, 775

Color naming, 748

Color palettes, 777

Color perception

peripheral, 781782

physiology of the eye and, 748750

strengths and weaknesses, 761

Color percepts, 747


choice, 777

CIE description of, 762766

CMY, 774775

CMYK, 774775

coding, 779780

complementary, 766

conventional color wisdom, 758761

description, 756758, 771774

implications of, 746

intensity-independent, 765

interpolating, 777779

matching, 748

naming, 748

nonspectral, 766

palettes, 777

perceived distance between, 767

perception of, 750756

percepts, 747

perceptual spaces, 767768

primary, 758759

RGB sliders and, 761

sensations, 747

standard description of, 761766

use in computer graphics, 779780

Color selection interfaces

hue-lightness-saturation (HLS) interface, 776777

hue-saturation-value (HSV) interface, 776777

Color sensations, 747

Color specification in WPF, 133

Color wisdom, conventional, 758761

blue and green make cyan, 760

color is RGB, 761

objects have colors, 759760

primary colors, 758759

purple isn’t a real color, 759

Comb function, and transform of, 520

Commission Internationale de l’Éclairage (CIE), 755, 762766

chromaticity diagram, 765

description of color, 762766

Complementary colors, 766

Complex applications, processing demands of, 14

Complex conjugate, 512

Component hierarchy, top-down design of, 139140

Components, reuse of, 144147

Composion of transformations, 235

Composite component, constructing, 142

Composited image, 485

Composite modeling transformation matrix, 314

Composite transformation matrix, 246, 314, 463

Compositing of images

operations, 488489

physical units and, 489490

simplifying, 487

Compression, use of splines for, 605

Compressive sensing, 530

Computability, as a property of texture mapping, 555

Computational photography, 493

Computations, stability of, 278

Computer-based animation industry, 932

Computer graphics, 133

2D transformation library, 287298

3D transformation library, 287298

applications, 2425

basic graphics systems, 2023

brief history of, 79

current and future application areas of, 46

deep understanding vs. common practice, 12

definition of, 2

examples of, 910

goals, resources, and appropriate abstractions, 1012

graphical user interfaces (GUI) and, 567574

graphics pipeline, 1415

interaction in graphics systems, 2324

introduction to, 14

kinds of packages, 2526

learning, 3133

numbers and orders of magnitude in, 1215

physical/mathematical/numerical models of, 11

relationship with art, design, and perception, 1920

using color in, 779780

world of, 4

Conceptual design (user interface), 570

Conductive materials, 714

Cones (color receptors), 107, 749

generalized, 757

Conformal mapping, 555

Conservative rasterization, 1096

Conservative rasterizer, 430

Conservative visibility, 1023

Conservative visibility algorithm, 1023

Conservative visibility testing, 1023

backface culling, 1023

frustum culling, 1023

methods of, 1023

spatial data structures and, 1023

Conservative voxelization, 1096


application of, 111

color, 110

and its influences, 110111

shape, 110

size, 110

Constant shading, 127

Constructive solid geometry (CSG), 450

Content, preparing viewport for, 120122

Continuation, 111112

applications, 112

Continuous probability. See Continuum probability

Continuum, defined, 808

Continuum probability, 808810, 815818

Contour curve, 1048

Contour drawing, 551552

Contour generator, 953. See also Contour(s)

Contour lines, 616

Contour points, 952

Contour(s), 551, 952, 953

of a smooth surface, 644

suggestive, 957958

Contribution/detail culling, 470

Control data, 599

Control points, 599

Control templates, 49

Convex boundary polygon, 1045, 1045f

Convex cone, 747

Convex hull property, of cubic B-splines, 603

Convex polygons, 175

Convolution, 500503

defined, 500

like computations, 504505

properties of, 503504

Convolution multiplication theorem, 521

Cook-Torrance model, 731732

Coons, Steven A., 608

Coordinate frame(s), 240241

defined, 240

rigid, 240

Coordinates, 153

operations on, 153155

Coordinate system(s), 9091

abstract coordinate system, 4244

floating-point coordinates, 3839

integer coordinate system, 3839

physical coordinate system, 38

spectrum of, 4445

transformations and, 229230

WPF canvas, 4546

Coordinate vector, 155

Cornell box, 903, 911, 916917

Corner-cutting, on polyline, 81, 83

Correspondence (meshes), 661

building, 661

Cosine weighted BRDF, 820

Cosine-weighted sampling

on hemisphere, 815

Cotangent rule, 658

Covectors, 163, 184, 520

transforming, 250253


binary, 10271028

partial. See Partial coverage

Coverage of a pixel, 213

Coverage sampling antialiasing (CSAA), 10581059

Coverage testing, 422

Crease edges, 953

Critical angle, 682

Cross product, 157158

CRT. See Cathode-ray tubes (CRTs)

CSG. See Constructive solid geometry (CSG)

C++ Standard Template Library (STL), 1074

CTM. See Composite transformation matrix

Cube map, 554

Cube mapping, 340

Cubic B-spline filter, 540, 540f

Cubic B-splines, 602603

convex hull property of, 603

formula for, 602603

nonuniform, 602

uniform, 602603


contribution/detail, 470

occlusion, 470

portal, 470

sector-based, 470

view-frustum, 470

Cumulative distribution function (cdf), 685

Curvature, 955

line of, 956, 956f

radial, 957

Curvature shadows, 946


representation and rendering, 128


implicit, 616619

Cyan-Magenta-Yellow (CMY) color, 774775

Cybersickness, 571

Cylinder kernel, 910911


Dangling edge, 637

Darken operation, 488

Data structures

characterizing, 10771079

generic use of, 1077

ordered, 1077

selecting, 1077

spatial, 10651102

DDA. See Digital Difference Analyzer (DDA)

Debugging, 411412

rendering and, 915919

Declarative animation

dynamics animation via, 5558

Declarative specification, 40

vs. procedural code, 40

Deferred lighting, 441442

Deferred-rendering method, 440

Deferred shading, 446, 11351137

difficulties with, 1136

excess storage and bandwidth in, 1136

goal of, 1135

multi-sample anti-aliasing (MSAA), incompatibility with, 1136

shader-specified visibility and, 1136

Defocus, 10601061

Deformation (meshes), 660

Deformation transfer, 660664

Degenerate transformation, 224


of an edge, 637

of a vertex, 637

Delta function, 519

Density estimation, 912

Depth buffer, 329, 392, 1023, 1028, 10341040

common applications in visibility determination, 10351036

common encodings, 10371040

depth prepass, 1036

encodings, 10371040

screen-space visibility determination and, 1037

Depth buffer encodings, 10371040

choices for, 1037

hyperbolic in camera-space z, 1037

linear in camera-space z, 1037

Depth complexity, defined, 446

Depth complexity of a ray, 1028

Depth map. See Depth buffer

Depth of field, 107, 301

Depth prepass, 1036

Depth-sort algorithm, 10421043

Depth value, 481

Derivative-based definitions of radiometric terms, 655656, 700702

The Design of Everyday Things (Norman), 593

Detail objects, 1051

Development tools, 41

Device code, 432

Device coordinates, 39

Diagonal matrices, 230

Differential coordinates, 655657

Diffraction, 676, 677

defined, 676

Diffuse, defined, 8

Diffuse reflection, 136

physical models for, 726727

Diffuse scattering, 713, 716

Diffusion (morphogens), 561

Diffusion curves, 961

Digital cameras, 5

characteristics of, 1314

Digital Difference Analyzer (DDA), 431

Digital signal processing, 545

Digital video cameras, 5

Direct3D, 452

Directed acyclic graph (DAG), 144, 248

Directed edges, 636

Directed-edge structure, 195

Direct illumination, 372373

interface to, 372373

Directional curvature in direction u, 956

Directional hemispherical reflectance, 708

Directional light, 125

Directionally diffuse, 102

Direct light, 370. See also Indirect light

Direct lighting, 834. See also Direct illumination

Direct shadows, 946

Dirty bit flags, 983

Dirty rectangles, 983

Discrete attributes, 651

Discrete differential geometry, 644, 667

Discrete probability, 803804

relationship to programs, 803804

Discrete probability space, 803

Displacement, 157

Displacement maps, 344, 547, 557ff, 562f, 647

Display-form-factor independence, 45

Display list, 473

Display transformation, 4647

Distant objects, 346348

Distribution (random variable), 806

Distribution ray tracing, 317, 838

Division of modeling principle, 210

DockPanel. See Panel

Dollying (camera control technique), 585

Domain, defined, 151. See also Codomains

Domain restriction, 827

Dominant wavelength, 747

Dot product, 158159

Double-buffered rendering, 971, 975976

Draw calls, 434

executing, 442444

Drawing, Dürer’s, 62f, 64f, 6872, 1035f

Drawing primitives, 461462

Dual contouring, 653

Dual paraboloid, 554

Dual space, 163

Dual vectors. See Covectors

Dürer, Albrecht, 6165

Dürer rendering algorithm implementation, 6568

Dürer’s drawing, 6872

Dürer woodcut, 6165, 1035f

Dynamic Canvas algorithm, 986, 986f

Dynamic range, 8

Dynamics, 463, 989, 9961008

Dynamics animation, via declarative animation, 5558



defined, 446

example, 445447

Early z-cull, 1136

Edge aligns, 427

Edge collapse, 197

Edge-collapse costs, 649652

Edge detection, 533, 544, 545

Edge(s), 189

boundary, 637, 954

crease, 953

dangling, 637

directed, 636

interior, 637

sharp, 651

smooth, 953

Edges (computer vision), 952

Edge-swap operation, 197198

Edge vectors, 175

Electric field

linearly polarized, 678

Electromagnetic spectrum, 330331, 675f

Elements, 41

animation elements, 5556

Elliptically polarized light, 679

Embedding topology, 637

Emission, 369, 737

Emissive lighting, 138

Emitters, 334335

Empirical/phenomenological models, of scattering, 713, 717725

Energy, photons transport, 333

Energy conservation, 714

Energy function (meshes), 650

Environment map, 549, 550

Environment mapping, 340, 549550, 939940


approximate solutions of, 825826

approximating, 826

domain restriction, 827

methods for solving, 825831

Newton’s method for solving, 831

statistical estimators, using, 827830

using bisection for solving, 830831


summing a series by, 828830

Estimator random variable, 818

bias, 822823

consistent sequence of, 818, 822823

unbiased, 818

variance of, 818

Estimators. See Estimator random variable

Euclidean distance, 767

Euler angles, 267269

body-centered, 272

Euler characteristic of a mesh surface, 641

Euler integration, 278

Even function, 508

Event (interaction), 92

handling, 85, 9293

Event (probability), 802, 809

Excitation purity, 747

chromaticity diagram and, 766

defined, 747

Expectation. See Expected value

Expected value, 804806, 810

properties of, 806808

of a random variable, 810

related terms, 806808

Explicit equation, 341

Explicit Euler integration, 1016

Explicit Euler method, 1019. See also Forward Euler method

Explicit trapezoidal methods, 1020

Exponents (display process), 769771

encoding of, 769771

Exposure time, 980. See also Shutter time

Expressive rendering, 945962

abstraction in, 947

challenges of, 949950

examples of, 948

geometric curve extraction in, 952959

gradient-based, 952

marks, 950951

perception and salient features, 951952

perceptual relevance, 947

research in, 947948

spatial coherence in, 950

strokes, 950951

temporal coherence in, 950

Extended marching cubes algorithm, 653

Extensibility via shaders, 453

Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML), 35, 41, 928

animation elements, 5556

structure of, 4142

Eye, 106110

gross physiology of, 106107

luminous efficiency function for, 751

physiology of, 748750

receptors, 107110

resolution, 13

Eye coordinates, 314

Eye path, 796

Eye ray

and camera design notes, 406

generating, 404406

testing eye-ray computation, 406407

Eye ray visibility. See Primary visibility


Factorization (abstraction), 947

FF. See Fixed-function (FF)

Field of view, and aspect ratio, 316317

Field radiance, 834, 846

Fields (half-resolution frames), 978

FillEllipse, 39

Fill rate, 14, 636


applying, 500

Catmull-Rom filter, 542t

cubic B-spline filter, 542t

filtering f with, 502

Gaussian filter, 542t, 543, 545

Mitchell-Netravali filter, 542t

separable, 544

sinc filter with spacing one, 542t

and their Fourier transforms, 542t

unit box filter, 542t

Filtering, 500, 502, 557559

Final gather step in photon mapping, 913

Finite element method, radiosity, 839

Finite element models, 349

Finite series

summing by sampling and estimation, 828829

Finite-state automaton (FSA), 574, 857

probabilistic, 858f

Finite support, 535

Finite-support approximations, 540541

First-person-shooter controls, 588

Fitts, Paul, 572

Fitts’ Law, 572, 587

Fixed-function (FF), 452

era, 452453

to programmable rendering pipeline, 452454

Fixed-function 3D-graphics pipeline, 119

Fixed point, 325326

Flat shading, 20. See also Constant shading

Floating point, 325, 326327

Floating-point coordinates, 3839

Flow curve, 1015

Fluorescence, 671

Flux responsivity, 792

Focal distance, 301

Focal points, 951

and caustics, 798

Focus dot (camera manipulation), 586

Fog, 351

Fold set, 953. See also Contour(s)

Foreground image, 485

Form factor (radiosity), 840

computation of, 842

Form factor (display), 5859

Forward Euler integration, 1018

Forward Euler method, 1019. See also Explicit Euler method

Forward-rendering design, 440

Fourier-like synthesis, 559560

Fourier transform, 497

applications of, 522

of box, 517

definitions, 511

examples of, 516517

of function on interval, 511514

inverse, 520521

properties of, 521

scaling property of, 521

Fourth-order Runge-Kutta method, 1020

Fovea, 107

Fractional linear transformation, 256

Fragment (pixel), 18, 1055, 1056f

Fragment generation, 17

Fragments, 18

Fragment shaders, 466, 930. See also Pixel shaders

Fragment stage, 433

Framebuffers, 329, 971

front buffer, 971

Frame coherence, 983. See also Temporal coherence

Frames (individual images), 963

Frequency-based synthesis, and analysis, 509511

Frequency domain, 513

Fresnel, Augustin-Jean, 681

Fresnel equations, 681, 727729

unpolarized form of, 683

Fresnel reflectance, 683, 727729

Fresnel’s law, 681683, 682f

and polarization, 681683

Frobenius norm, 663

Front buffer, 971, 975

Front face, of polygon, 337

Frontface polygon, 1048

Frustum clipping, 1028, 10451046

Frustum culling, 1023, 1028, 1044

Functional design (user interface), 570

Function classes, 505507

Function L

writing in different ways, 706707

Functions, 151152

basis, 208

interpolated, 203

piecewise constant, 187

tabulated, 201


G3D (open source graphics system), 241, 295, 321, 356, 933

Game application platforms, 478

Game engines, 25. See also Game application platforms

Gamma, defined, 771

Gamma correction, 769771

defined, 771

encoding, 398, 769771

Gamuts (color), 331, 766

chromaticity diagram and, 766

matching problem, 766

Gaussian filter, 542t, 543, 545

GDI, 38

Generalized cone, 757

General position assumption, 291292, 292f

General purpose computing on GPUs (GPGPU), 1142

Generics in programming languages, 1068

Gentle slope interface, 569

Genus of a surface, 196

Geometric algebra, 284

Geometric curve extraction, 952959

Geometric light, 124, 133

Geometric model, 2, 41ff, 117ff,

Geometric modeling, 595

Geometric objects, 9394

Geometric optics, 726

Geometric shapes, 470472


collision proxy, 337

instancing, 349350

large-scale object, 337

projective, 257

Geometry matrix, 597

Geometry processing, 458460

Geometry shaders, 931

Geomorph, 649, 650f

GIF. See Graphics Interchange Format (GIF)

Gimbal lock, 269, 994


BRDF and, 705706

Global illumination, 340

Glossy highlights, 134, 353, 359361

Glossy scattering, 414, 716

GLUT (OpenGL Utility Toolkit), 456

Gonioreflectometer, 702

Gouraud, Henri, 128

Gouraud shading, 128, 723, 743, 933. See also Phong shading

fragment shader for, 937

vertex shader for, 935

GPGPU (general purpose computing on GPUs), 1142

GPU. See Graphics Processing Units (GPUs)

GPU architectures, 11081111

binned rendering and, 11371138

deferred shading and, 11351137

Larrabee (CPU/GPU hybrid), 11381142

organizational alternatives of, 11351142

Grabcut (technology-enabled interface), 590591

Gradient-domain painting, 961

Graftals (scene-graph elements), 986, 986f

Graphical user interfaces (GUI), 4, 2324

affordances, 572

arcball interface, 584

choosing the best, 587588

conceptual design, 570

examples of, 588591

functional design, 570

lexical design, 570

multitouch, 574580

natural user interfaces (NUIs), 571

sequencing design, 570

suggestive interface, 589

trackball interface, 580584

Graphics applications, 21

architectures of, 466478

kinds of, 2425

Graphics data, 2123

Graphics Interchange Format (GIF), 484

Graphics packages

kinds of, 2526, 451ff

Graphics pipeline, 1415, 36, 119, 310, 452, 458ff, 927, 1109ff, 432434

defined, 434

forms of, 927929

parts of, 1718

stages of, 1619

Graphics platforms, 21, 22, 25, 26

Graphics Processing Units (GPUs), 18, 20

Graphics processor architecture, 8, 1107ff

Graphics program

with shaders, 932937

Graphics workstations, 932

Grays (color), 756

Grayscale, 482

Great circle, 273

Grid, as a class of spatial data structures, 10931101

construction, 10931095

ray intersection, 10951099, 1096f, 1098f

selecting grid resolution, 10991101

Grid cells, 1093, 1093f. See also Buckets

Grid resolution, selecting, 10991101

GUI. See Graphical user interfaces (GUI)


Haar wavelets, 531

transform, 531

Half-edges, 338

Half-open intervals, 150

Half-plane bounded by l, 174


and triangles, 174175

Half-vector, 721

Hand-animated cartoons, 966

Hash grid, 904, 1095

HDR images. See High dynamic range (HDR) images

Heat, defined, 672

Heat equation, 529

Heightfields, 344

Helmholtz reciprocity, 703704, 714. See also Reciprocity

Hemicube, 842


cosine-weighted sampling on, 815

producing a cosine-distributed random sample on, 815

producing a uniformly distributed random sample on, 814

Hemisphere area light, 378379

Hermite basis functions, 596

Hermite curve, 595598

Hermite functions, 596

Heun’s method, 10191020

Hidden surface removal, 1023. See also Visible surface determination

Hierarchical depth buffer, 1024, 1050. See also Hierarchical z-buffer

Hierarchical modeling, 35, 55, 313ff, 463464

Hierarchical occlusion culling, 10491050

Hierarchical rasterization, 430

Hierarchical z-buffer, 1050. See also Hierarchical depth buffer

High-aspect-ratio triangles, 197

High dynamic range (HDR) images, 481

High-level design, 388393

High-level vision, 105

Hit point (Unicam), 585

Homogeneous clip space, 429, 1047

Homogenization, 236, 254, 259

Homogenizing transformation, 265

Host code, 432

HoverCam (camera manipulator), 591

Hue (color description), 756

Hue-lightness-saturation (HLS) interface, 776777

Hue-saturation-value (HSV) interface, 776777

Human-computer interaction (HCI), 568

arcball interface, 584

interaction event handling, 573574

mouse-based camera manipulation (Unicam), 584587

mouse-based object manipulation in 3D, 580584

multitouch interaction for 2D manipulation, 574580

prescriptions in, 571573

suggestive interface, 589

two-contact interaction, 578

Human visual perception, 101115

Human visual system, 2930

Hybrid pipeline era, 453

Hyperbolic depth encoding, 10381040

complementary or reversed, 1039

Hyperbolic interpolation, 423


Identity matrix, 225

iid, see Independent dentically distributed random variables

Illuminant C (CIE chromaticity diagram), 765

Illumination, 9, 340, 362, 370ff, 722, 751, 785


choosing format of, 484485

composited, 485

compositing, 485490

defined, 482

enlarging, 534537

file formats, 483

foreground, 485

gradient, 544

information stored in, 482483

losslessly compressed, 483

meaning of pixel during compositing, 486

Moiré patterns, 544

other operations and efficiency, 541544

processing, 492493

representation and manipulation, 481494

RGB, 482

scaling down, 537538

types of, 490491

Image-based texture mapping, 559

Image display, 29

Image gradient, 544, 961

Images and signal processing, 493532

Image space, 22, 245

Image-space photon mapping, 876

Immediate mode (IM), 452

vs. retained mode (RM), 3940

Implementation platform, 393403

and scene representation, 400402

and selection criteria, 393395

and test scene, 402403

utility classes, 395400

Implicit curves, 616619

Implicit functions, representing, 621624

mathematical models and, 623624

Implicit lines, 164

Implicitly defined shapes, 164, 615633

advantages of, 615

in animation, 631632

disadvantages of, 615

Implicit surfaces, 341343, 619620

ray tracing, 631

ray-tracing, 342343

Importance function, 792, 819

Importance-sampled single-sample estimate theorem, 818819

Importance sampling, 802, 818820, 822, 854

integration and, 818820

multiple, 820, 868870

Impostors, 348

and billboards, 347348

Impulses, 356, 713, 784, 10101012. See also Snell-transmissive scattering

deriving impulse equations, 10101011

magnitude of, 740, 793

Impulse scattering, 715716, 740, 784. See also Impulses; Snell-transmissive scattering

Incremental scanline rasterization, 431

Independent identically distributed (iid) random variables, 808

Independent random variables, 807

properties for, 807

Indexed face sets, 77

Indexed triangle meshes, 338

Indexing arrays, 156

Indexing vectors, 156

Index of refraction, 107, 332. See also Refractive index

Indication (expressive rendering), 948

Indirect light, 370. See also Direct light

Indirect lighting, 834

Infinite series

summing by sampling and estimation, 829830

Infinite support, 535

Information visualization, 4, 37

Inheritance, as key extraction method, 10731074

Initialization in OpenGL, 456458

Injective function, 151. See also Surjective function

Inner product, 158

Inscattering, 738

Inside/outside testing, 175177

Instance transform, 139140

Instancing, described, 450

Instantiated templates, 39, 50

Integral, of spectral radiance, 692

Integral equation, 786


importance sampling and, 818820

Intel Core 2 Extreme QX9770 CPU, 1138

Intensity (light), 700, 769771

encoding of, 769771

high-light perception of, 770

low-light perception of, 770

Intensity-independent colors, 765

Interaction, keyboard, 95

Interface, 434444

Interior edge, 637

Interiors of nonsimple polygons, 177

Interior vertices, 194, 638

Interlaced television broadcast and storage formats, 978

Interlacing, 978980

pulldown, 979980

telecine, 978980

International Color Consortium (ICC), 772

Interpolated function

properties of, 203

Interpolated shading (Gouraud), 128129

Interpolating curve, 600


bilinear, 622

hyperbolic, 423

perspective-correct, 256, 312, 422424

precision for incremental, 427428

rational linear, 423

between rotations, 276278, 277f

spherical linear, 275276

vs. transformations, 259

Interpolation schemes, 621622

bilinear interpolation, 622

Intersections, 167171

of lines, 165167

ray-plane, 168170

ray-sphere, 170171


Fourier transform on, 518

Invariant under affine transformations, 182

Inverse Fourier transform, 520521

Inverse function, 151

Inverse tangent functions, 152153

Invertibility, as a property of texture mapping, 555

Inward edge normal, 175

Irradiance, 697699. See also Radiosity defined, 697

Irradiance due to a single source, 698

Irradiance map, 557

Isocontour, 341

Isocurves, 616

Isosurfaces, 619. See also Level surfaces


Jaggies (image), 31

Joint transform, 140, 146147

Just noticeable difference (JND), 754


k-dimensional structures, 10801081

kd tree, 1089

Kernel (photon map), 910

cylinder, 910911

Kernel (photon mapping), 874, 1142

Key (data structure), 1068, 1077

Keyboard interaction, 95

Key frame, 966, 989. See also Key pose

Key pose, 966, 989. See also Key frame

Keys and bounds, extracting, 10731077

inheritance, use of, 10731074

traits, 10741077

Kinect (interface device), 568

Kinetic energy, 1021

Knee joint

adding, 143144

Knots, 601

Kubelka-Munk coloring model, 760


L2 difference. See L2 distance

L2 distance, 104

L2 (space of functions), 506ff

Image2 (space of sequences), 506ff

“Lab” color, 767

Lafortune model (light scattering model), 723724

Lag. See Latency

Lambertian, 28, 358359

Lambertian bidirectional reflectance distribution function (BRDF), 720, 883

Lambertian emitter, 695

Lambertian luminaire, 785

Lambertian reflectance, 28, 358, 413, 720, 925

Lambertian reflectors, 719721

Lambertian scattering, 413414, 716, 725

Lambertian shading, 353

Lambertian wall paint, 708

Lambert’s Law, 358

Laplacian coordinates, 655657

applications, 657660

properties of, 657

Large-scale object geometry, 337

Larrabee (CPU/GPU hybrid), 11381142, 1139f

cache coherence, 1140

capability of, 1140

correct provisioning, 1141

efficient parallelization, 1141

flexibility in, 1140

vs. GeForce 9800 GTX, 1140

generality in, 1140

Intel’s IA-32 instruction set architecture (ISA), use of, 1140

latency hiding, 1140

multiple processing cores, 1139

sequence optimization, 1141

specialized, fixed-function hardware, 1139

SPMD and, 1140

texture evaluation, 1139

wide vectors, 1139

Latency, 17, 11231126

Lateral inhibition, 108

Law of conservation linear momentum, 1011

Layout, defined, 85

LCD. See Liquid-crystal displays (LCDs)

LED-based interior lighting, 752

Legacy models, 324

Lemniscate of Bernoulli, defined, 616f

Lens flare and bloom, 366, 369

Level of detail (LOD), 347

Level set, 164, 341, 616

Level set methods, 631

Levels of detail (geometric representations), 645649

determining, 645646

parametric curves and, 649

surfaces and, 649

Level surfaces, 619. See also Isosurfaces

Lexical design (user interface), 570

Light(s), 26, 330333, 784

ambient, 122, 124

area, 888

bending of, at an interface, 679680

defined, 669

direct, 835, 865

directional, 125

elliptically polarized, 679

excitation purity and, 747

geometric, 124

hemisphere area light, 378379

indirect, 835, 865

infrared, 672

interaction with objects, 118119

interaction with participating media, 737738

metameric, 768

point, 886887, 888889

representation of, 887889

light capture, 29

measuring, 692699

modeling as a continuous flow, 683692

monospectral, 747

omni-light, 379380

other measurements of, 700

path, 796

physical properties of, 669670

quantized, 670

rectangular area light, 377378

scattering, 388390

spectral distribution of, 746748

transport, 335336, 783787

ultraviolet, 671

unpolarized, 683

wavelength of, 670

wavelike, 670

wave nature of, 674677

Light energy and photon arrival rates, 1213

Light geometry, 133

Lighting, 312

direct, 834, 913

indirect, 834

and materials, 458

Phong, 930

programmable, 930

vs. shading in fixed-function rendering, 127128

Lighting specification, 120128

Light maps, 341

Lightness, 755, 756

CIE definition of, 755

Light path, 796

Light transport, 783787

alternative formulations of, 846847

boundaries and, 798

caustics and, 798

classification of paths, 796799

Metropolis, 871872, 915

perceptually significant phenomena and, 797799

polarization and, 798

shadow and, 797

symbols used in, 784t

transport equation, 786787

Light-transport paths classification of, 796799

Linear combination, 157

Linear depth, 1040

Linear depth encoding, 1040

Linear interpolation, 201

Linearly polarized electric field, 678

Linear radiance, 398

Linear transformation, 221, 259, 307

degenerate (or singular) transformation, 224

examples of, 222224

multiplication by a matrix as, 224

nonuniform scaling, 223

properties of, 224233

rotation, 222223

shearing, 223

Linear waves, 675

Linear z, 1040

Line of curvature, 956, 956f

Lines, intersections of, 165167

Linked list (data structure), 1077

1D example, 10781079

Link of a vertex, 208, 641

Liquid-crystal displays (LCDs), 20

List, as a class of spatial data structures, 10811083, 1082f

C++ implementation of conservative ball-primitive intersection in, 1083

C++ implementation of ray-primitive intersection in, 1083

unsorted 1D list, 1081

List-priority algorithms, 10401043

BSP sort, 1043

clusters, 1043

depth-sort algorithm, 10421043

painter’s algorithm, 10411042

Live Paint, 1042

Local flatness (surface), 643, 882

Local Layering, 1042

LOD. See Level of detail (LOD)

Look vectors, 304

LookDirection, 122

Losslessly compressed image, 483

Lossy compression, 471, 483

Low-level vision, 105

Lucasfilm, 932

Luma, 771, 775

Lumens, 707

Luminaire models, 369

and direct and indirect light, 370

and nonphysical tools, 371372

practical and artistic considerations of, 370377

and radiance function, 370

Luminaires, 369, 784

area lights, 888

computer graphics, 369

representation of, 888889

Lambertian, 785

point lights, 888889

representation of, 888889

Luminance, 707, 747, 755

of light source, 751

signal representative of, 770771

Luminous efficiency, 707

Luminous efficiency function, 751

Luminous intensity, 751


Mach banding, 20, 211

Macintosh, 568

Magnitude, of impulses, 740, 793

Manifold meshes, 190, 191, 193195

2D mesh as, 193

boundaries, 194

orientation of triangles in, 193194

Manifold-with-boundary meshes, 195

operations on, 195


application examples of, 557t

cylindrical, 555

examples of, 555556

reflection, 556

spherical, 555

Marching cubes, 625, 628629

algorithm, 628

extended, 653

generalization of, 652653

variants, 652654

Marching squares, 627

Hermite version of, 653

Markov chains, 857861

estimating matrix entries with, 858859, 860861

Metropolis light transport, 871872

path tracing and, 856857

Markov property, 857

Marks (expressive rendering), 950951

creation of, 951

imitation of artistic technique for creating, 951

physical simulation, 951

scanning/photography approach for creating, 951

Mask, 485486

Masking, 730

Master templates, 39

Material, in scattering, 712

Material models, 353358

software interface to, 740741


lighting and, 458

Mathematical model, 2, 11. See also Geometric model; Numerical model; Physical models

and sampled implicit function representations, 623624

Mathematics, and computer graphics, 3031

Matrix associated to a transformation, 224

Matrix/matrices, 156

diagonal, 230

identity, 225

invertible, 225

orthogonal, 230

properties of, 230231

rank of, 231, 261

rotation, 270272

singular value decomposition (SVD) of, 230

special orthogonal, 230

Matrix multiplication, 161162

Matrix transformations, 222

interpolating, 280

Matter, 336

Matting problem, 367

MaxBounce (photon mapping), 873

McCloud, Scott, 947

Mean. See Expected value

Measured BSDFs, 358

Measured/captured models, of scattering, 713, 725726


and sampling, 507

value of, 323324

Measurement equation, 791792

Measure of a solid angle, 687

Megakernel tracing, 1033

Memoization (component of dynamic programming technique), 983

Memory practice, 435437

Memory principles, 434435, 1117ff

Mesh(es), 338341

adjacency information on, 338339

alternative mesh structures, 338

applications, 652667

beautification, 197

cached and precomputed information on, 340341

closed, 190, 642

connected unoriented, 639

differential coordinates for, 657

embedding topology for, 637

functions on, 201220

geometry, 643644

icosahedral, 648

indexed triangle, 338

Laplacian coordinates for, 657

manifold, 191

manifold-with-boundary meshes, 195

meaning of, 644645

nonmanifold, 195196

nontriangle, 637

operations, 197

orientation of triangles in, 193194

oriented, 191, 639640

other simplification approaches, 652

per-vertex properties and, 339340

polygonal, 953

progressive, 649652

quad, 611, 611f

repair, 654655

simplices, 208

simplification, 188, 197

subdivision of, 211

terminology, 641

terminology for, 208

topology of, 189, 637643

triangle, 187, 187f, 188f

unoriented, 191

winged edge polyhedral representation and, 338

Mesh beautification, 197

Mesh flattening, 667

Mesh geometry, 643644

Mesh Laplacians, 656

Mesh operations, 197

edge collapse, 197

edge-swap, 197198

mesh beautification, 197

mesh simplification, 197

Mesh repair, 654655

Mesh specification, 120128

Mesh structures, 211

memory requirements for, 196197

Mesh topology, 637643

Metaball modeling, 343

Metadata, 483

Metameric lights, 768

Metamers, 768

Metropolis light transport, 871872, 915

Microfacets, 729

Microgeometry, 901

Micropolygon rasterization, 431432

Micropolygons, 340, 431

Microsoft Office Picture Manager, 569

Minecraft, 964

MIP maps, 217, 491492, 1120


BRDF of, 705706

and point lights, 886887

Mirror scattering, 715, 717719

Mitchell-Netravali filter, 540f

Mixed probabilities, 820821

Model, defined, 2

Modeling, defined, 2

Modeling space, 21

Modeling stage, 460

Modeling transformation, 51

Modelview, 314

Modelview matrix, 463

Modelview projection matrix, 314

Modified Euler method, 1020

Modular modeling

motivation for, 138139

Modulus, of complex numbers, 513

Moiré patterns (image), 544

Monet painting, 948

Monospectral distributions, 747

Monte Carlo approaches, 851854

bidirectional path tracing, 853

classic ray tracing, 851852

distribution ray tracing, 838

path tracing, 853

photon mapping, 853854, 872876

Monte Carlo integration, 783, 796, 854

Monte Carlo rendering, 786, 922

Moore’s Law, 8, 932

Morphogens, 561


methods for creating, 966975

perception, 976978

root, 969

Motion blur, 980983, 10611062

temporal aliasing and, 980983

Motion-blur rendering, 922

Motion-induced blindness, 114

Motion perception, 976978

Beta phenomenon, 977

strobing, 977

Motion planning, 972973

Mouse-based object manipulation in 3D, 580584

arcball interface, 584

trackball interface, 580584

MSAA. See Multi-sample anti-aliasing (MSAA)

Multipass rendering, 441

Multiple importance sampling, 820, 868870

Multiresolution geometry, 471

Multisample antialiasing (MSAA), 433, 10571058, 1136

advantages of, 1058

drawbacks of, 10571058

Multitouch interaction for 2D manipulation, 574580

Munsell color-order system, 762

Mutation strategy, 871

Mutually perpendicular vectors, 229, 240


Natural user interfaces (NUIs), 571

Nearest neighbor (density estimation), 912

Nearest-neighbor field, 564

Nearest-neighbor strategy (animation), 967

Near-plane clipping, 1044, 1046

Negative nodes (BSP tree), 1031

Neighborhood (subdivision surfaces), 610

Neighbor-list table, 191

Nit (photometric term), 751

Nonconvex spaces, 211213

Nonmanifold meshes, 195196

Nonphotorealistic camera, 3

Nonphotorealistic rendering (NPR), 945, 986

Nonphysical tools, 371372

Nonspectral colors, 766

Nonspectral radiant exitance, 700. See also Radiosity

Nonuniform B-spline, 604

Nonuniform Catmull-Rom spline, 601602

Nonuniform rational B-spline, 604

advantages of, 604

CAD systems and, 604

Nonuniform scale. See Nonuniform scaling transformation

Nonuniform scaling, as linear transformation in the plane, 223

Nonuniform scaling transformation, 223

Nonuniform spatial distribution, 1100

Nonzero winding number rule, 177

Norm, of a vector, 157

Normal. See Normal vectors

Normalization process, 72

Normalized Blinn-Phong, 359361

Normalized device coordinates, 22, 72. See also Camera-space coordinates

Normalized fixed point, 325

Normalizing vector, 157

Normal maps, 647

Normal transform. See Covectors, transforming

Normal vectors, 16, 2728, 164, 193194

Notation, mathematical, 150


and orders of magnitude in graphics, 1215

Numerical integration, 29, 801802

deterministic method, 801802, 804

probabilistic or Monte Carlo method, 802

Numerical methods for solving ODEs, 10171020

Numerical model, 11. See also Mathematical model; Physical models

NURB. See Nonuniform rational B-spline

NVIDIA GeForce 9800 GTX GPU, 1138

Nyquist frequency, 515

Nyquist rate, 544


Object-centered rotation, 272. See also Body-centered rotation

Object coordinates, 140, 245. See also Object space

Object ID channel, 485

Object-level scattering, 711712

Object-oriented API, 41


detail, 1051

interaction with light, 118119

and materials, 2728

Object space, 245. See also Modeling space; Object coordinates

Occlusion, 308, 1023ff

in 2.5D systems, 1042

Occlusion culling, 1023, 1049

hierarchical, 10491050

Occlusion function, 1025

Occlusion query, 1049

Oct tree, 629, 1090

Odd winding number rule, 177

OLED. See Organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs)

Omnidirectional point light

Omni-light, 379380

One-dimensional (1D) meshes, 189

boundary of, 190

data structure for, 191192

manifoldmesh, 190 1-ring (vertices), 641

OpenGL, 452

compatibility (fixed-function) profile, 454455

core API, 466

programmable pipeline, 464466

program structure, 455456

utility toolkit, 456

OpenGL ES, 479

OpenGLUtilityToolkit. See GLUT(OpenGLUtilityToolkit)

Optic disk, 107


early, 446447

and performance, 444447

Ordinary differential equation (ODE), 998

general ODE solver, 10161017

numerical methods for, 10171020

Oren-Nayar model, 732734

Organic light-emitting diodes (OLED), 20

Orientation-preserving reflection, 264, 284

Oriented 2D meshes, 194195

boundaries and, 194195

Oriented meshes, 191

closed, 195

Oriented simplex, 639

Orthogonal matrix, 230

Orthographic cameras, 315317

Orthographic projections. See Parallel projections

Outer product (matrices), 260

Output merging stage, 433434

Output-sensitive time cost, 1079

Outscattering, 738

Outside/inside testing, 175177

Outward edge normal, 175

Over operator, 365


Packet tracing, 1061

Painter’s algorithm, 1028, 10411042

Panning (camera controlling technique), 585

PantoneTM color-matching system, 761

Paraboloid, dual, 554

Parallel projections, 315316


building tangent vectors from, 552553

of lines, 155

texture, 555

of triangles, 171

Parameterized model, 76

Parametric equation, 341

Parametric form of the line between P and Q, 155

Parametric-implicit line intersection, 167

Parametric lines, transforming, 254

Parametric-parametric line intersection, 166

Partial coverage, 364367, 365, 1028, 10541062

defocus, 10601061

as a material property, 1062

motion blur, 10611062

spatial antialiasing, 10551060

Participating media, 737738

Particle collision detection, 10081009

Particle collisions, 10081012

collision detection, 10081009

impulses, 10101012

normal forces through transient constraints, 1009

penalty forces, 10091010

Particle systems, 350351

Path mesh, 668

Path tracer

basic, 889904

building, 864868

code, 893901

core procedure in, 893

Kajiya-style, 866, 867

preliminaries, 889893

symbols used in, 890

Path-tracer code, 893901

Path tracing, 853, 853f, 855

algorithmic drawbacks to, 855856

bidirectional, 853, 870871

constructing a photon map via, 873

and Markov chains, 856857

path tracer, building, 864868

Pdf. See Probability density function (pdf)

Pen (geometric attribute), 38

Penalty force

application of, 10091010

computation of, 10091010

defined, 1009

Pencil of rays, 1060

Penumbra, 505, 798

Perception, human visual. See Human visual perception

Perceptual color spaces, 767768

Peripheral color perception, 781782

Perlin noise, 560561, 561f

Perspective camera specification, 301303

Perspective-correct interpolation, 422424

Per-vertex properties

of meshes, 339340

Phong exponent, 736

Phong lighting, 930

Phong lighting equation, 938

Phong model (reflection model), 721723

Phong reflectance (lighting) model, 134

Phong shader, 937939

Phong shading, 723. See also Gouraud shading

fragment shader for, 938939, 940

vertex shader for, 938

Phosphorescence, 671


computational, 493

Photometry, 670, 700

Photon(s), 369, 670

defined, 872

photon-mapping, 872

propagation, 907908

Photon arrival rates

and light energy, 1213

Photon emission, 376377

Photon map, 872, 908, 913

constructing via photon tracing, 873

Photon mapping, 853854, 872876, 904914

bias in, 875

consistency in, 875

density estimation and, 912

final gather step in, 913

image-space, 876

limitations, 875

main parameters of, 873

phases of, 872

schematic representation of, 853f

Photon propagation, 907908

Photon tracing, 872

Photopic vision, 753754

Photorealism, 945

Photorealistic rendering, 31

Physical coordinate system, 38

Physically based animation, 963, 989

Physically based models, of scattering, 713, 727734

Physical models, 11. See also Numerical model; Physical models

Physical optics, 726

Physical units

and compositing, 489490

Physics scene graphs, 352353

Pick correlation, 39, 60, 139, 464

Pick path, 464

Piecewise constant function, 187

Piecewise linear extension, 210

animation, use in, 211

defined, 210

limitations of, 210211

mesh structure and, 211

Piecewise linear reconstruction, 505

Piecewise-smooth curves, 540

Pie menus, 573, 573f

Pitching, 267

Pixar, 932

Pixel coordinates, 22

Pixel program, 433

Pixels, 5

defined, 29

Pixel shader. See Pixel program

Pixel shaders, 930. See also Fragment shaders

Pixel stages

and vertex stage, 433

Pixel values, 482

Pixmaps. See Bitmaps

Planar wave, 676

Planck, Max, 674

Planck’s constant, 12, 670, 674

Plenoptic function, 370, 693

PNG. See Portable Network Graphics (PNG)

Point lights, 124125, 133, 886889

computing direct lighting from, 894

mirrors and, 886887

reflecting illumination from, 894

Points, 234235, 288

Point sets, 345346

Poisson disk process, 921

Polarization, 670, 677679

circular, 678f

Fresnel’s law and, 681683

linear, 678f

Polarizers, 679

Polling (interaction loop), 574

Polygonal contour extraction, 955

Polygon coordinates, 249. See also Modeling coordinates

Polygon meshes, 635

Polygons, 175182

back face, 337

drawing as black box, 23

front face, 337

interiors of nonsimple, 177

micropolygon, 340

normal to polygon in space, 178179

polygon rate, 14

simple, 175

Polygon soup, 654

Polyhedral manifolds, 191

Polyhedral meshes

conversion to, 625629

conversion to implicits, 629

Polyline, 81

Polymorphic types, 1068

Polymorphism, 1073

“Poor man’s Fourier series,” 560

Poor sample test efficiency, 420

Popping, 985

Portable Network Graphics (PNG), 484

Portal culling, 470

Portals, 1051, 10521054

Positive nodes (BSP tree), 1031

Positive winding number rule, 177

Potential energy, 1021

Potentially visible set (PVS), of primitives, 1050

Power vectors, 875

p-polarized light source, 681

p-polarized waves, 681

Practical lights, 372

Prebaking (models), 247

Premultiplied alpha, 366367, 487

problem with, 489

Presentation vector graphics, 1042

Primary colors, 758759

Primary ray, 1027

Primary visibility, 1023, 1024, 1027

Primitive components

geometries of, 140141

instantiating, 141

Primitives, 6, 38, 461462, 962, 969, 973, 1028, 10301031, 10411042, 1044, 10591060, 10841085, 10871092

Primitives per second, 6

Principal curvatures, 956

Principal directions, 956


of an event, 803

continuum, 808810

mixed, 820821

Probability density, 684, 686

Probability density functions (pdf), 684, 808, 810812

Probability masses, 685, 820

Probability mass function (pmf), 803, 805

Probability of an event, 809

Procedural code, 35, 55, 58

vs. declarative specification, 40

dynamics via, 58

Procedural texturing, 549

Programmable graphics card, 8. See also GPU.

Programmable lighting, 930. See also Programmable shading

Programmable pipeline, 433, 453454

abstract view of, 464466

OpenGL, 464466

Programmable rendering pipeline

fixed-function to, 452454

Programmable shading, 930, 932. See also Programmable lighting

Programmable units, 433

Programmatic interfaces, 10681077

Programmer instruction batching, 1033

Programmer’s model, 17, 454464

Progressive meshes, 649652

goal of, 649

Progressive refinement (radiosity), 843

Progressive television formats, 978

Projected solid angle, 690

Projection stage, 460

Projection textures, 555, 629

Projective frame, 265

Projective geometry, 77, 257

Projective transformations, 255, 257, 259260, 263, 291293, 308

general position, 291292, 292f

properties of, 265266

Projective transformation theorems, 265266

Propagation, 332333

Proxies (data structure), 1068


defined, 232

least squares problems and, 232

SVD and, 231233

Pseudoinverse Theorem, 232

Pulldown (interlacing), 979980


Quad fragments, 1137

Quad meshes, 611, 611f, 635

Quadratic error function, 653

Quad trees, 1090, 1091f

Quake video game, 1052

Quantitative invisibility, 1028

Quaternions, 273, 283, 993

QuickDraw, 38


Radial curvature, 957

Radiance, 333, 397, 693, 694695

area-weighted, 910

emitted, 785, 832

field, 786, 834, 846

impulse-reflected, 794

linear, 398

surface, 786787, 834, 846

Radiance computations, 683, 695697

Radiance function, 370

Radiance propagation, 907908

Radiant exitance, 699

spectral, 699

Radiant flux, 699. See also Radiant power

Radiant power, 699. See also Radiant flux

Radiometry, 669, 694

Radiosity, 333, 700, 797, 838844. See also Nonspectral radiant exitance

characteristics, 838

color bleeding and, 839

as finite element method, 839

meshing in, 843

Radiosity equation, 840

Randomized algorithms

random variables and, 802815

Random parametric filtering (RPF), 922

Random point, 812

Random variable(s)

in continuum probability, 809

defined, 803

estimator, 818

expected value of, 810

identically distributed, 808

independent, 807

independent identically distributed (iid), 808

and randomized algorithms, 802815

random point and, 812

uniform, 807

Random variable with mixed probability, 820

Raster devices, 8

Raster graphics, 209

history of, 931932

Rasterization, 18, 418432, 1027, 1061

conservative, 1096

defined, 387, 391

hierarchical, 430

and high-level design, 388393

incremental scanline, 431

micropolygon, 431432

and ray casting, 387449

rendering with API of, 432434

swapping loops, 418419

triangles first, 391393

Rasterizer algorithm, 418

Rasterizing shadows, 428429

Rasterizing stage, 433

Rasters, 391, 978, 979

Rational B-spline, 604

Rational numbers, 325

Ray bumping, 886, 1027

Ray casting, 1023, 1028, 10291034

defined, 387, 391

implementation platform and, 393403

pixels first, 391393

and rasterization, 387449

renderer, 403404

and sampling framework, 407408

time cost of, 1029

Ray intersection, 10951099

Ray intersection query, 1026

Ray optics

building blocks of, 330

Ray packet, 445

Ray packet tracing, 1027, 1033

Ray-plane intersection, 168170

Ray-sphere intersection, 170171

Ray tests, parallel evaluation of, 10321034

Ray tracer

steps involved in, 929


defined, 391

recursive, 851852

implicit surfaces, 342343, 631

Ray-triangle intersection, 408411, 1073

Reaction (morphogens), 561

Ready for rendering

vs. abstract geometric, 467

Realistic lighting

producing, 124127

Realistic rendering, building blocks for, 2631

Real numbers, 324325

Real-time 3D graphics platforms, 351480

introduction, 351352

Reciprocity, 714. See also Helmholtz reciprocity

and BRDF, 705706

Reconstruction, 505

and band limiting, 524527

piecewise linear, 505

Rectangular area light, 377378

Recursive approach, 861864

Reencoding, 470471

Reference frame, 963

Reference renderer, 388

Reflectance, 133138, 702704, 711ff

ambient reflection, 136

diffuse reflection, 136

emissive lighting, 138

phong reflectance (lighting) model, 134

specular reflection, 137138

WPF reflectance model, 133138

Reflectance equation, 703, 786

Reflection mapping, 556

Reflection model, 723. See also Scattering model

Reflective scattering, 697, 715

Reflective surface, 27

Refractive index, 679

Refractive scattering, 716

Rejection sampling, 823

Rendering, 6

animation and, 975987

binned, 11371138

debugging and, 915919

double-buffered, 971, 975976

expressive, 945962

intersection queries in graphics that arise from, 10661067

Monte Carlo, 922

motion blur, 980983

motion-blur, 922

nonphotorealistic, 945, 986

pen-and-ink, 950

photorealistic, 31

stroke-based, 955

temporal aliasing, 980983

Rendering equation, 373376, 703, 783, 786787, 831836

approximating, 826

approximations of the series solution of, 847848

discretization approach, 838844

domain restriction, 827

for general scattering, 789792

Markov chain approach for solving, 857861

methods for solving, 825831

Monte Carlo approaches for solving, 851854

recursive approach for solving, 861864

series solution of, 844846

simplifying, 840

spherical harmonics approach, 848851


in spectrum, 523524


comparing, 278279

evaluating, 322323

of implicit functions, 624625

of light, 887888

and standard approximations, 321384

surface, 882887

triangle fan, 338

Resolution, 8

eye’s resolution, 13

Resolution dependence, 38

Resolved framebuffer, 1056, 1056f

Restricted transformations, 295297

advantages of, 295

disadvantages of, 295

Retained mode (RM), 452

vs. immediate mode (IM), 3940

Retina, 107

Retroreflective scattering, 716

Reuse of components, 144147

Reyes micropolygon rendering algorithm, 982983

RGB color cube, 772773

RGB color model, 772774

RGB format, 481

RGB image, 482

Ridges, 956957

apparent, 958959

Right-handed coordinate system, 158

Rigid coordinate frame, 240

Ringing, 510f, 529, 538

Rodrigues’ formula, 293

Rods (color receptors), 107, 749

saturated, 755

Rolling, defined, 267

Root frame, 972

Root frame animation, 972

Root motion, 969

Rotation, as linear transformation in the plane, 222223

Rotation about z by the an angle, 266

Rotation around z, 239. See also Rotation in the xy-plane

Rotation by an angle in the xy-plane of 3-space, 266

Rotation in the xy-plane, 239. See also Rotation around z

Rotation matrix, 270272

finding an axis and angle from, 270272

Rotation(s), 264, 266

3-sphere and, 273278

axis-angle description of, 269270

interpolating between, 276278

vs. rotation specifications, 279280

Rule of five, 698, 925

Russian roulette, 874


S (normalizing vectors), definition, 157

Sahl, Ibn, 679

Sample-and-hold strategy (animation), 967

Sample and hold reconstruction, 505

Samples (implicit functions), 621

Samples (pixel), 1055, 1056f

Sample shaders, 930

Sampling, 29, 507508, 557559, 724725

approximation of, 519

and band limiting in interval, 514515

cosine-weighted, 815

importance, 818820, 854

integration and, 31

multiple importance, 868870

rejection, 823

stratified, 920

summing a series by, 828830

Sampling framework, 407408

Sampling strategy, 854

Sampling theorem, 515

Scalability, 469

Scalar attributes, 651

Scalar multiplication, 157, 158

Scale invariance, 911

Scale transformations, 263264

Scanline interpolation, 208210

Scanline rendering, 209

Scanners, 5, 5f

Scattering, 711, 792793

approximating, 848851

diffuse, 713, 716

diffuselike, 792

due to transmission, 900

equation, 790

glossy, 716

impulse, 715716, 784

kinds of, 714717

Lambertian, 716

of light, 388390

mirror, 715, 717719

models, 713

nonspecular, 852

object-level, 711712

physical constraints on, 713714

reflective, 715

refractive, 716

rendering equation for, 789792

retroreflective, 716

Snell-transmissive, 783784

subsurface, 720, 738739

surface, 712714

transmissive, 715

volumetric, 737, 793

Scattering equation, 790

Scattering functions, 354358

Scattering models, 723. See also Reflection model

Blinn-Phong model, 721723

Cook-Torrance model, 731732

empirical/phenomenological models, 713, 717725

Lafortune model, 723724

measured/captured models, 713

Oren-Nayar model, 732734

Phong model, 721723

physically based models, 713, 727734

Torrance-Sparrow model, 729731

types of, 713

wave theory models, 734736

Scatters, light, 333

Scene, 21, 31, 37

abstract coordinate system to specify, 4244

planning, 120124

reduction of complexity, 469

Scene generator, 37

Scene graphs, 39, 118, 351353

coordinate changes in, 248250

hierarchical modeling using, 138147

physics, 352353

Scene modeling, 945

Scene representation, 400402

Schematization (abstraction), 947

Schlick approximation, 728729

Scotopic vision, 753754

Screen door effect, 986

Screen space, 245

Screen tearing, 976

Second-order Runge-Kutta methods, 1019

Sector (polyhedron), 1050

Sector-based conservative visibility, 10501054

mirrors, 10521054

portals, 10521054

stabbing line, 1051

stabbing tree, 10511052

Sector-based culling, 470

Segments (of a spline), 599

Self-shadowing, 1027. See also Shadow acne

Semantic element, 352

Semi-Explicit Euler method. See Semi-Implicit Euler method

Semi-Implicit Euler method, 1019

Sensor response, 791

Separable filter, 544

Sequencing design (user interface), 570

Sets, 150

Shaders, 8, 453. See also Programs

creating, 437442

defined, 928

extensibility via, 453

fragment, 466, 930

geometry, 931

historical development, 929932

Phong, 937939

pixel, 930

sample, 930

in scattering model, 723

simple graphics program with, 932937

subdivision surface, 931

tessellation, 931

vertex, 930, 931

Shader-specified visibility, 1136

Shader wrapper, 933

G3D, 933

Shades (color), 756

Shading, 412413, 723, 1055

deferred, 11351137

interpolated, 128129

vs. lighting in fixed-function rendering, 127128

two-tone, 959

Shading language, 927

Shading normals, 339

Shadow, and light transport, 797

Shadow acne, 325, 416, 1027. See also Self-shadowing

Shadow map, 428, 848

Shadow mapping, 557t

Shadows, 112113, 414417

acne, 325, 416, 1027

applications of, 113

curvature, 946

direct, 946

Shannon sampling theorem, 515

Shape constancy, 110

Sharp edges, 651

Sharpening, 543, 545

Shearing transformations, 264

as linear transformation in the plane, 223

Shift-invariant, 529

Shutter time, 980. See also Exposure time

SIGGRAPH (Special Interest Group on GRAPHics and Interactive Techniques), 4, 922

Signal processing, 500

and images, 493532

Signal, 500

Signed area

of a plane polygon, 177178

Signed distance transform of the a mesh, 629

Signed normalized fixed-point 8-bit representation, 551

Silhouette, 952

Silicon Graphics, Inc., 931932

SIMD. See Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD)

Simple polygons, 175

Simplex, 208

boundary of, 208

categories of, 208

oriented, 639

Simplicial complices, 198

Simplification, 471

abstraction, 947

of triangle meshes, 188, 649

Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD), 430, 1033

Singular transformation. See Degenerate transformation

Singular value decomposition (SVD), 230

computing, 231

matrix properties and, 230231

and pseudoinverses, 231233

Singular values of matrix M, 230

Size constancy, 110

Skyboxes, 348349

Sky sphere. See Skyboxes

Slerp, 275. See also Spherical linear interpolation

Slicing, 935

Smith, Alvy Ray, 498

Smooth edges, 953

Smooth manifolds, 190

Snell’s law, 679, 683, 728

Snell-transmissive scattering, 783784. See also Impulses

Soft particles, 351

Software-platform independence, 44

Software stack, 468

Solid angles, 370, 686688

computations with, 688690

measure of, 687

projected, 690

subtended, 687

Source (texture image), 563

Source polygon, 1045

Spatial acceleration data structures. See Spatial data structures

Spatial antialiasing, 10551060

A-buffer, 1057

analytic coverage, 10591060

coverage sampling antialiasing (CSAA), 10581059

multisample antialiasing (MSAA), 10571058

supersampled antialiasing (SSAA), 10561057

Spatial coherence, 950

Spatial data structures, 353, 1023, 10651102

characterizing, 10771079

extracting keys and bounds, 10731077

generic use of, 1077

grid, 10931101

hash grid, 1095

Huffman’s algorithm and, 1089

intersection methods of, 10691073

k-dimensional structures, 10801081

list, 10811083

ordered, 1077

polymorphic types, 1068

programmatic interfaces, 10681077

ray intersection, 10951099

selecting, 1077

trees, 10831093

Spatial frequencies, 103

SPD. See Spectral power distribution (SPD)

Special orthogonal matrix, 230


camera, 301303

color, 133

transformations and camera, 299317

Spectral irradiance, units of, 698

Spectralon, 720

Spectral power distribution (SPD), 747

incandescent lights, 748

monospectral distributions, 747

Spectral radiance, 692

integral of, 692

Spectral radiant exitance, 699

Spectrum (of a signal), 513

replication in, 523524

Specular, in graphics, 8

Specular exponent, 137

Specular power. See Specular exponent

Specular reflections, 137, 713

physical models for, 726727

Specular (mirror) reflections, 353

Specular surface, 27

Sphere mapping, 340

Sphere-to-cylinder projection theorem, 688

Sphere trees, 649, 1093

Spherical harmonics, 531, 843, 848851

Spherical linear interpolation, 275. See also Slerp

Spline patches, 344

and subdivision surfaces, 343344

Splines, 343, 595ff, 599, 607ff, 623

Splitting plane, 1030, 1030f

s-polarized wave, 681

Spot color, 766

Spotlight, 133, 702

Square integrable, 506

Square summable, 506

sRGB standard, 774

Stabbing line, 1051

Stabbing tree, 10511052

Stamping, 985

Standard basis vectors, 227

Standard deviation, 807

Standard implicit form for a line, 165

Standard parallel view volume, 307

Standard perspective view volume, 307

Star, of a simplex, 208, 208f

Star, of a vertex, 208, 641

Star of an edge, 641

State machine, 454

State variable, 454

State vectors, 1015

Static frame, 462463

Statistical estimators, 827830

Stefan-Boltzmann law, 672

Stencil buffer, 329

Steradians, 688

Steven Anson Coons Award, 608

Stratified sampling, 920

blue-noise property of, 921

Strobing (motion perception), 977

Strokes (expressive rendering), 950951

creation of, 951

imitation of artistic technique for creating, 951

oil-paint, 951

pen-and-ink, 951

physical simulation, 951

scanning/photography approach for creating, 951

Styles, 85

artistic, 947

Subcomponents, 138, 141144

Subdivision, meshes, 211

Subdivision, of triangle meshes, 188

Subdivision curves, 604

Subdivision surfaces, 344, 607

Catmull-Clark, 610613

modeling with, 613614

Subdivision surface shaders, 931

Subsurface reflector, 720

Subsurface scattering, 353, 720, 738739

computing, 739

modeling, 739

physical modeling, 739

practical effects of modeling, 739

Subtractive color, 760

Suggestive contour generator, 958

Suggestive contours, 957958

characteristics of, 958

Suggestive interface, 589

Summary measures, of light, 670

Sum-squared difference, 104

Superposition, 361

Supersampled antialiasing (SSAA), 10561057

advantages of, 1056

drawbacks of, 10561057

implementing, 1056

Surface mesh

embedding of, 642

Surface normal, 16, 2728

Surface radiance, 786787, 834, 846

computation from field radiance, 786

Surface radiance function, 787

Surface representations, 882887

Surface, 390, 607

with boundary, 637638

closed, 638

implicit, 619620

orientable, 639

oriented, 639

representations, 882887

triangulated, 637638

Surface scattering, 712714

physical constraints on, 713714

scattering models, 713

Surface Texture, 132, 547ff

texturing via stretching, 132

texturing via tiling, 132

in WPF, 130132

Surface with boundary, 638

Surjective, 151. See also Bijective

Sutherland-Hodgman 2D clipping, 10451046

Swapping loops, 418419


Tabulated functions, 201

Tagged Image File Format (TIFF), 482

Tangent field, 10151016

Tangent-space basis, 340

Tangent vectors

building from a parameterization, 552553

Target (texture image), 563

Taylor polynomial, 1017

Teddy (user interface), 590

Telecine (interlacing), 978980

Template (pixels), 563

Templated classes in programming languages, 1068

Temporal aliasing, 980983

motion blur and, 980983

Temporal coherence, 950, 962, 983

advantage of, 983

burden of, 985987

exploiting, 983984

Tent-shaped functions, 208. See also Basis functions

Tent-shaped graphs. See Basis functions; Tent-shaped functions

Tessellation shaders, 652, 931

Test beds, 72, 81

2D Graphics, 8198

application of, 9598

details of, 8287

structure of, 8388

using 2D, 8283

Test scene, 402403

Texels, 365, 742

Texture aliasing, 216

Texture coordinates, 339, 548

assigning, 555557

assignment of, 215216

Texture mapping, 131, 214215, 547ff

application examples of, 557t

defined, 548

details of, 216

image-based, 559

problems, 216217

properties of, 555

Texture maps, 1516, 215, 547ff

codomains for, 553554

Texture parameterization, 555


modeling, 630

projection, 555

Texture-space diffusion, 341

Texture synthesis, 559562

Fourier-like synthesis, 559560

Perlin noise, 560561, 561f

reaction-diffusion textures, 561562


bump mapping, 550551

contour drawing, 551552

environment mapping, 549550

variations of, 549552

via stretching, 132

via tiling, 132

3ds Max transformation widget, 588589, 588f

3D transformations

building, 237

3D view manipulation widget, 588589, 588f


essential mathematics and geometry of, 149182

3:2 pulldown algorithm (interlacing), 979

TIFF. See Tagged Image File Format (TIFF)

Tile fragments, 1137

Tiling rasterizer, 430431

Tilting principle, 180181

Time domain, 513

Time-state space, 10131015

TIN. See Triangulated Irregular Network (TIN)

Tints (color), 756

T-junction, 642

Tone mapping, 919

Tones (color), 756

Tool trays, 569

Toon-shading, 940942

fragment shader for improved, 942

pixel shader for, 941

two versions of, 940942

vertex shader for, 940941

Torrance-Sparrow model, 729731

Total internal reflection, 682

Trait data structure, 1074

Traits, as key extraction method, 10741077

advantages of, 1076

disadvantages of, 1076


linear, 307

modeling hierarchy and camera, 313315

perspective-to-parallel, 313

projective, 308

rasterizing renderer ripeline and camera, 310312

unhinging, 307

windowing, 300

Transformation associated to the matrix M, 224

Transformation pipeline, 460

Transformations, 221286, 288290

adjoint, 253

affine, 234, 259

AffineTransformation2, 288

associated, 294

change-of-coordinate, 231

classes of, 288289

composed, 235

and coordinate systems, 229230

covector, 253

efficiency of, 289290

finding the matrix for, 226228

fractional linear, 256

homogenizing, 265

implementation, 290293

vs. interpolation, 259

linear, 221, 259

LinearTransformation2, 288

matrix, 222

MatrixTransformation2, 288

modeling, 630

parametric lines, 254

projective, 255, 257, 259260, 263, 291293

ProjectiveTransformation2, 289

restricted, 295297

scale, 263264

shearing, 264

specification of, 290

in three dimensions, 263285

in two dimensions, 221262

of vectors, 250253

windowing, 236237, 236f

world-centered rotation, 272

Translation, 222, 233234, 263

Translation equivariant reconstruction, of signal, 546

Translucency, and blending, 361364

Transmission/rendering, 353, 367368

reduction, 470472

Transmissive scattering, 715

Transparent surface, 364

Transport, light, 335336

Transport equation, 786787

Transport paths, separation of, 844

Transposition, 156

Trees, as a class of spatial data structures, 10831093

binary space partition (BSP) trees, 10841089

Bounding Volume Hierarchy (BVH), 10921093, 1092f

building BSP trees, 10891092

kd tree, 1089

oct tree, 1090

quad trees, 1090, 1091f

Triangle fan, 338

Triangle list, 338

Triangle meshes, 187, 187f, 188f, 635

icosahedral, 187

1D mesh, 189

shape approximation, 187188

simplification of, 188, 649

subdivision of, 188

uniformity of, 188

Triangle processing, 17

Triangle reordering for hardware efficiency, 664667

Triangles, 171175

half-planes and, 174175

parameterization of, 171

signed area, 177

in space, 173174

Triangle soup, 338

Triangle strip, 338

Triangulated Irregular Network (TIN), 345

Triangulated surfaces, 637638

Triple buffering, 976

Trotter, Hale, 149

2D barycentric weights, 424427

2D coverage sampling, 422

2D graphics

dynamics in 2D graphics using WPF, 5558

evolution of, 3741

overview of, 3637

test beds, 8198

and Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), 3560

2D manipulation

multitouch interaction for, 574580

2D raster graphics platform, 38

2D scene

WPF to specify, 4155

2D scissoring, 1044 2D transformations, 238239

building, 238239

2-ring (vertices), 641


essential mathematics and geometry of, 149182

Two-and-a-half dimensional, 43

Two-tone shading, 959


Übershader, 441

UI controls, 39, 41

UI generator, 37

Ulam, Stanislaw, 945

Umbilic points, 956

Umbra, 505, 798

Uncanny valley, 19

Undragging, 581

Unhinging transformation, 307

Unicam, 584587

Uniform color space, 767

Uniform density

on the sphere, 813

defined, 809

Uniform spline, 601

Uniformity, of triangle meshes, 188

Uniform random variable, 807

Uniform scaling transformation, 223

Units, 333

Unit vector, 157, 229

Unoccluded two-point transport intensity, 847

Unoriented meshes, 191

Unpolarized light, 683

Unsigned normalized, 325

Up direction, 122, 302

User interface (UI), 67, 21

User interface examples, 588591

Chateau, 589590

first-person-shooter controls, 588

Grabcut, 590591

Photoshop’s free-transform mode, 589

Teddy, 590

3ds Max transformation widget, 588589, 588f

Utility classes, 395400

uv-coordinates, 216


Valence, 637

Valleys, 956957

Value (data structure), 1077

Value of measurement, 323324

Vanishing point, 77


change of, 690692

Variance, 807, 818

Variance reduction, 921

Vectorization (programmer instruction batching), 1033

Vectors, 155161, 234235, 288

coordinate, 155

edge, 175

indexing, 156

kinds of, 162163

length of, 157161

normal, 164

normalizing, 157

operations, 157161

transforming, 250253

Vertex/Vertices, 50, 65, 189

boundary, 194, 638

degree of, 637

interior, 194, 638

link of, 208

locally flat, 643

manifold, 194f

star of, 208

Vertex geometry processing, 17

Vertex geometry transformation, 17

Vertex normal, 129

Vertex shaders, 465, 930, 931

Vertex stage and pixel stages, 433

Vertical synchronization, 976

Video standards, 775776

View center (camera manipulation), 586

ViewCube (3D view manipulation widget), 588589, 588f

View-frustum culling, 470, 1023

Viewing stage, 460

Viewport, 37, 302, 455

Viewport3D, 119, 121

View region, 63

View specification

building transformations from, 303310

View volume, 77, 120, 302

standard parallel, 307

standard perspective, 305, 307

Vignetting, 336

Virtual arcball, 280283, 584

Virtual parallelism, 1113ff

Virtual sphere, 580

Virtual trackball, 280283, 580

Virtual transitions, 671

Visibility, 65

conservative, 1023

coverage (binary), 10271028

goals for, 1023

list-priority algorithms, 10401043

primary, 1023, 1024, 1027

sector-based conservative, 10501054

Visibility determination

applications of depth buffer in, 10351036

backface culling, 10471049

current practice and motivation, 10281029

depth buffer, 10341040

frustum clipping, 1028, 10451046

frustum culling, 1023, 1028, 1044

hardware rasterization renderers and, 1028

hierarchical occlusion culling, 10491050

list-priority algorithms, 10401043

partial coverage, 1028, 10541062

ray casting, 10291034

ray-tracing renderers and, 1028

Visibility function, 786, 799, 10251027

evaluating, 1026

Visibility problem. See Visibility testing

Visibility testing, 422

Visible contour, 953. See also Contour(s)

Visible points, 390391

Visible spectrum, 330332

Visible surface determination, 1023. See also Hidden surface removal


photopic, 753754

scotopic, 753754

Visual cortex, 103, 106, 108, 110

Visual perception, human. See Human visual perception

Visual system, 103105

applications of, 105, 109110

components of, 103

Volumetric models, 349351

Volumetric scattering, 737

Voxelization, conservative, 1096

Voxels, 349350

VRML, 479

vup, 302


Walk cycle, 966

Warnock’s Algorithm, 1041

Warped z-buffer, 1038

Watertight model (meshes), 643

Wavelength, 332, 675

Wave theory models, 734736

Wave velocity, 675

w-buffer, 1040. See also Depth buffer

WebGL, 479

Weiler-Atherton Algorithm, 1041

Wheel of reincarnation, 1819

Whites (color), 769

CIE definitions, 769

illuminant C, 769

illuminant E, 769

Whole-frustum clipping, 1044, 1047

Widgets. See UI controls

Wien’s displacement law, 710

Wii (interface device), 568

WIMP (windows, icons, menus, pointers) GUI (WIMP GUI), 6, 8, 567

Winding number, 176177

Window chrome, 36

Windowing transformation, 236237, 236f, 300

Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF)

2D Graphics using, 3560

application/developer interface layers, 4041

canvas coordinate system, 4546

data dependencies, 9192

dynamics in 2D graphics using, 5558

reflectance model, 133138

to specify 2D scene, 4155

surface texture in, 130132

Winged-edge data structure, 196

Wire-frame model, 65

The Wizard of Oz (film), 950

Woodcut, Dürer, 6165, 1035

World-centered rotation, 272

World coordinate system, 119

World space, 21, 245

WPF. See Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF)

WPF 3D, 117

design of, 118

high-level overview of, 119120


X3D (language), 479

XAML. See Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML)

Xerox PARC, 8

XToon shading, 942943

2D texture map for, 942f

atmospheric perspective, 942

vertex and fragment shaders for, 942943


Yaw, 267

YIQ color model, 775


z-buffer, 306, 310, 392. See also Depth buffer

z-buffer value, 1038, 1039f

z-data, 482

Zero set, 164, 616. See also Isosurfaces

Zero-to-one coordinates. See Normalized device coordinates

z-fighting, 1037


perspective and, 313

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