Updating datastore storage overcommit settings

The following steps outline how to update the storage overcommit levels of an existing desktop pool:

  1. Log into the Horizon Administrator console using an AD account that has administrative permissions within Horizon.
  2. Go to Catalog and open the Desktop Pools window within the console.
  3. In the Desktop Pools window, highlight the linked clone pool you wish to refresh. In our example, we will highlight the pool called AppVolumes-W10. Click on the Edit button that's shown in the following screenshot to open the AppVolumes-W10 window:
  1. In the AppVolumes-W10 window, click on the vCenter Settings tab.
  2. In the vCenter Settings tab, click on the Browse... button next to the Datastores setting, as shown in the following screenshot. This will open the Select Linked Clone Datastores window:

  1. In the Select Linked Clone Datastores window (shown in the following screenshot), open the Storage Overcommit drop-down menu next to each datastore to set the storage overcommit level. The level can only be changed for the datastores that are in use by the pool:

  1. Click OK twice to close the Select Linked Clone Datastores and Edit AppVolumes-W10 windows and implement the changes.

Changing the storage overcommit settings does not, by itself, initiate any desktop maintenance activities. To enforce the updated storage overcommit policies on an existing desktop pool, simply perform a desktop rebalance using the procedure that's described later in this chapter.

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