Section Access and Section Application

Data security through Section Access can be applied at row-level or column-level. Row-level Section Access will define what rows from our data model are visible to each authorized user. Column-level Section Access defines whether certain columns from our data model should not be visible to users.

A Qlik Sense application can be logically split into two main sections:

  • Section Application
  • Section Access

Section Application will contain all the lines of codes which help extract, transform, and load our data. This section of the script is where we load our tables and create the data model. Everything we do in the Script Editor or Data Manager is implicitly done within the Section Application section. There's no need to explicitly define the application section when we don't define section access security.

Section Access, on the other hand, is the section where we specify our user's access. It is here where we tell Qlik Sense who should access what. We must explicitly tell Qlik Sense we are creating a section access by typing the syntax Section Access;. Whatever code is under this will be part of section access. To finish the section access code, we must type Section Application;.

Qlik Sense uses section access to automatically authenticate and authorize a user to access a file and dynamically reduces the data, allowing users to see what they should see.

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